I want to tell everyone about my experience with Ipamorelin/GHRP-2/CJC1295 no DAC combo.
I have been using peptides for 4 weeks and I'm starting my 2nd month now. I started with a VERY low dose of Ipamorelin solo - 30mcg in the morning and 30mcg before bed. But after a few days, I increased the dose to 1mcg/kg and also added CJC1295 w/o DAC twice a day. For me, it was 80mcg of each peptide. On the third week, I added the 3rd dose of each peptide PWO. For those that have problems with water retention - I wasn't experiencing any of it, I guess you get bloated because you use too much, too soon.
Also, on the 3rd week, I replaced my morning and PWO injection of Ipamorelin with the saturation dose of GHRP-2. I also decreased Mod GRF dose to 40mcg per injection because it is a simply cheaper way of using it and I believe it's still very effective.
From GHRP-2 I started to experience slight tiredness during the day.
I am injecting GHRP-2/CJC1295 first thing in the morning, then do fasted cardio for about half an hour and only then eat my breakfast.
My diet consists of very healthy foods, I cook everything from scratch on my own. I'm a healthy person in general, I don't use alcohol or any other street drugs, I don't smoke as well.
I am also using ECA stack because my goals are recomposition/fat loss.
I train 5 days a week Mon-Fri, where 3 of these days are weight lifting at the gym and 2 of these some kind of cardio, kickboxing, swimming, sprinting etc.
What I have noticed so far:
When I inject subQ, the injection are swells up a bit and slight bruise stays there, so I'm doing IM injections into my triceps.
I don't know if I'm just lucky or my immune system is getting better because everyone in my family has some kind of flu virus but I somehow avoided it.
I have noticed that I get pretty tired from saturation doses of GHRP-2, but I have been reading that after a few weeks your body gets used to GHRP-2 and tiredness usually goes away, so I just hope it does.
I have definitely noticed improved vascularity since starting peptides, also no water retention at all.
Recovery from workouts are incredible, I don't feel any DOMS the next day after squatting.
My sleep is excellent and has noticed some crazy dreams every now and then. When I wake up I feel really fresh and full of energy.
It also seems that peptides have improved my libido, I used to have sex 2-3 times a week (not because I wasn't able to get it but because I didn't want more) but now I have it almost every day and sometimes even twice a day, which I never had before.
Haven't noticed any appetite increase from Ipamorelin but with GHRP-2 I start to get pretty hungry about 15 minutes after injections. And when I start to eat my meal it's pretty hard to stop, after eating my usual meal I still feel quite hungry, but I found ECA really helps with that.
I have noticed facial flushing after both - ipamorelin and GHRP-2 injections.
I feel quite pumped and vascular throughout the day but after I eat carbohydrates I feel even more pumped.
I have definitely lost some fat around my midsection, on my butt, on chest and deltoids.
I'd already expect that from my diet, but I feel that fasted cardio + peptides really helps to lose far more fat.
If anyone is thinking about starting their GHRP/GHRH course than I recommend to start with really low doses, that way you can easily avoid/control the water retention you get.
I am feeling great on peptides and will definitely keep using them.