Hi, I have melanotan 2 that I bought in 2014. I've kept it in the freezer ever since. I still have 2 vials left (20 mgs). Since I'm fairly desperate and type 1 and going to another country for an early summer holiday, and only have a few weeks to go, I am wondering if it's okay to use it. I'm not keen on ordering a new shipment as 1) I can't really afford it at this time and 2) it takes too much time to ship.
If anyone has any experience with expired melanotan 2, I would be very appreciative for any info.
I realize it may not be as potent, since it expired last year. But since it's been in the freezer the entire time, wrapped up. I'm wondering whether it's at least SAFE. Or whether there's any documentation on it being unsafe after its expiration date.
Thank you so much.