As time goes buy, more and more people complain about supplier selling them bad and-or old melanotan.
There are plenty more suppliers than years ago. I suppose most of them buy in bulk and don't care if their M2 is old or degraded. But in the end people pay for it and sellers make money by cheating and that's something that deserves a topic and tons of attention.
We can keep posting " send me a PM for a good supplier" but how could those people know if the M2 they're buying is reliable stuff.
I had a good supplier and my latest "bulk" supply was old and degraded, not working half as good. It's time to take some action and reveal who the betrayers are.
My supplier blamed me for having kept M2 in powder out of the freezer for two months, but it shouldn't have degraded by then. He's taking zero responsibility.
I wish I could know for sure what the right dosage was for me ( I actually know it) without wondering if I'd need twice the amount form a bad supplier.
I'm sick of it and I think we all should take action against this.