Hi Guys I am new on this forum and its been a while since I visited the community after the last forum was closed.
I am a 35 year old male and have been taking Melanotan 1 and 2 since 2010 on and off consistently. It has really been a life changer for me. Prior to use would often not have a day-time social life during summer season. I was very self self conscious of my skin and often got picked on in school when I was younger. Now I can tolerate the sun, go to the beach, pool and play sports without a shirt on. It really has helped me feel better about myself !
The product has really worked wonders for me and I dont over abuse it. My normal injection consist of .75 doses of M2. My skin just has a subtle glow rather than being pale white.
I do have a few questions, concerns, and observations so I hope this community can help.
1) I noticed greater results when I first started using M2 not sure if this is due to me taking it longer consistently or if my body has sort of become gotten adjusted.
2) my facial hair get much darker while during an on cycle. If I paused use for about a month it return to normal color.
3) Uneven Tan - although my results are good I wish the tan was more even, my stomach is normally my darkest area with my hands, feet and face being lighter.
can anything be done about this ?
4) Health-wise I am fine but the only thing that worries me is that I started having Chronic acid reflux since about 2011. I try to eat healthy so im not sure if this can be a side effect.
5) I didnt notice much of a change in my Libido.
6) I have changed supplier twice in the 6 years and recently my current supplier has ran out of Premium M2 in addition has stopped answering my emails, so im hoping someone can private message me a new reputable source in the USA with P.O Box Delivery.
7) The Steve Urkel/Stephan effect - I must say when I am off-cycle and I do start to get a little depressed when I see my facial hair and skin go back to normal.
8) Permanent Implant Solution - I read a while back that there was some capsule that can implanted have there been any updates on this ?
Thanks guys if you have any question for me feel free to ask.