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  1. #1 15th March 2016 
    WhiteBoyMatt2's Avatar
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    Any evidence MT2 CAUSES cancer? What about prevents?


    Is there any evidence that mt2 is harmful?

    Is there any evidence that mt2 is good for the skin? Preventing skin cancer?

    I was wondering if anyone could link me to some articles that show both sides of the story.

    Of course the media always spins it as bad.
  2. #2 16th March 2016 
    Semin's Avatar
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    I have read tons of articles on melanotan, most of them stating melanotan is evil, but non of them shows any real evidence backed up by clinic trials. All these governmental sites let down melanotan purely because tanning in general is seen as 'bad for you'. Tanning causes cancer, period. That's how they put it.

    Here is some good read and totally makes sense.

    Melanotan II: Tanning Alternative That Prevents Skin Cancer Burried By US Government

    Please share your findings online regarding this topic.
  3. #3 17th March 2016 
    Walkers's Avatar
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    Taken it for nearly 3 years since i was 18 i am 21 now and i'll tell you i don't have cancer :-). it's about using it appropriately, educating yourself with what you're doing/taking an you'll make your decision of what you want in your body or not. No one can stop you as it's YOUR body and my body does react really well to it, maybe might take others time but really the stuff is absolutely harmless from my experience.
  4. #4 20th March 2016 
    Oblivion's Avatar
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    MT-2 hasn't been studied much for long term effects, but MT-1 (in an implant form, not injecting) has not shown to induce cancer. The long term effects are likely similar for cancer, the main difference between the two appears to be that MT-2 crossed the blood brain barrier easier, hence the sexual side effects. In the report for approval from 2014: http://www.ema.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/EPAR_-_Public_assessment_report/human/002548/WC500182309.pdf

    "In addition, possible involvement of α-MSH and afamelanotide in oncogenesis has been discussed in some detail but no increased risk has been found."
    "Induction of dysplastic proliferation of melanocytes may be considered possible (AE listings CUV029, CUV030, and CUV039). There is currently no evidence to suggest a clinically relevant cancer risk of patients."

    The only trial specifically testing cancer prevention is CUV011 and the trial is over but analysis is still being performed and results have not been released yet.

    From a theoretical view, Alpha MSH/MT-1/MT-2 activate MC1R which heals DNA damage from UV light, increases eumelanin which prevents further DNA damage, and has anti-inflammatory properties. These are all good things. Google Zalfa Abdel-Malek if you wish to read about research in this area. One thing that might cause cancer in a sense is that a few studies have reported Alpha MSH regulating the immune system and preventing it from attacking existing cancer (if you didn't know, every day your immune system is in a constant fight with pre-cancerous cells). In the link I posted above, Scenesse has not proven to be genotoxic "Afamelanotide did not show genotoxic potential in a standard battery of genotoxicity studies." This means it will not cause cancer directly.

    So to sum in up, a good deal of research points to it preventing cancer, some points to it promoting cancer growth through immune system regulation, and trials have not shown an effect either way yet.

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