I bought a vial of melanotan II in summer 2015 that's been in the fridge since then. It is still in powder form, never opened and never been taken out of the fridge for longer than a few minutes. Is it still safe to use this vial? Thanks
I bought a vial of melanotan II in summer 2015 that's been in the fridge since then. It is still in powder form, never opened and never been taken out of the fridge for longer than a few minutes. Is it still safe to use this vial? Thanks
Anyone? I really want to start taking MT2 again.
I wouldn't use it personally, if you're storing for long periods always best to freeze.
It's good due to it's longer effectiveness within the body compared to MT-1, though the side effects were just too annoying for me. Mainly the fact that any little movement caused an erection. It was fun/novel for the 1st 2 weeks as it took me right back to being a kid again, but... that was a huge annoyance i had to deal with from 1st grade through college and i'm truthfully happy to not have that constantly happening anymore!
I have same problem i have 30mg MT-2 in my fridge from a year ago and my bac water is 6 months old? Still good to take? I'm not sure