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  1. #1 20th February 2016 
    gmacks1's Avatar
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    To use or not to use?

    Hey guys thought I would ask for your advice since I only know one other person that uses MT2.

    To give you a little background I started using MT2 in May of 2011 and it completely changed my life. My skin had been somewhat damaged from the sun as a teenager that my skin on my face and my arms was neither white or red just a weird color in between. I HATED IT! It was (still is) my biggest insecurity. MT2 completely changed that. It turned my whole body tan and blended out the weird color on my arms and face to a nice golden brown tan. Within a week I went from the most pasty white guy to picking up chicks at the pool. To sum it up it was life changing. Since then I've used MT2 on and off and I've noticed on thing. Although I still look better when I first stated (I believe you never completely go back) I simply look better when I'm taking MT2. I now have a fiancee and she thinks I'm crazy when I say that but I know it's true. I can tell just by normal pictures. I guess it would be nice to see anyone's insight or if they've had a similar experience. My friends all think I'm crazy for taking it and say I don't need it. I just see it as a way to look better which is what everyone wants right? Clothes? Haircut? Working out? Hopefully I didn't ramble for too long but the point I"m making is I'm trying to decide if it's something I should continue using.
  2. #2 21st February 2016 
    Ninj's Avatar
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    I think some people like yourself and most other users believe in self improvement. Some people are happy where they are and some people are capable of visualising improvements they could make to their appearance which would make them happy or some people really just don't give a fuck how they look all together.

    I'm always looking to improve myself, no matter what. Before i hit the gym hard most days people would tell me that i don't need to look any more muscular and i had a good athletic physique. I didn't listen and after about 6 months of hitting the gym not only did i feel better in myself but i had more confidence and i got solid girlfriends for the first time in ages.

    The moral of my story. I have to ignore other people and just do whatever makes me happy.
    I look and feel 50x better with a tan so i'm going to do it even if everyone is telling me it's ridiculous. My natural skin tone looks unhealthy and i resemble a yellow jelly baby.
    Last edited by Ninj; 21st February 2016 at 08:56 PM.
  3. #3 22nd February 2016 
    striker121's Avatar
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    Hi I do agree with you mt2 makes my life so much easier being a type 1. No more fake tan which means no fear of tan lines streaks, orange hands and can happily say that I have a sun tan rather than a spray tan I can use pools sweat more in the gym without thinking it's gonna run off I've even started boxing. Me even my neighbours compliment me on how well I'm looking these days it's absolutely great! Just don't over do it slow and steady wins the race space your MCG out over the week I started doing high dose jabs once a week and felt awful now I'm spacing then out again no real sides!
  4. #4 22nd February 2016 
    Semin's Avatar
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    melanotan is definitely a life changer for some people, i am not skin type one but i am hooked on it anyway, i just find tanned body so much more attractive.
  5. #5 24th February 2016 
    gmacks1's Avatar
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    Thank you everyone for your insight! No can someone send me a legit supplier that they trust??? Send me a PM if you would be so kind!

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