Would it be beneficial to use ghrh/ghrp following laser eye surgery? Are there any negative potentials?
Would it be beneficial to use ghrh/ghrp following laser eye surgery? Are there any negative potentials?
I'm sure when my brother had this done they specifically asked if he was taking GH. Apparently, it alters your prescription and messes up the results of the surgery.
Just passing on what I heard.
Thanks Mediafi, anybody else hear of this sort of thing?
I had Epi-Lasik done about 6 years ago when I wasn't on peptides. After it my vision was good but was almost back to square one after 6 weeks. I had to wait another 1.5 years for it to settle down enough for them to try again. The doctor at the second surgery told me they do something to trick the eyes into not realising they've been damaged so they don't start "repairing" themselves and that hadn't worked with me first time round. No idea if he was talking shit but, if he wasn't, maybe they consider gh would reinforce the "healing" process. I started taking peptides about 3 years after the second surgery. Since then I've had less problem with dry eyes but my vision is a bit up and down. I suspect that would've happened peptides or not though.
This is interesting. It almost shows that peptides may help a little. I would do more research before taking the information to heart or actually applying it to real life.
I think you got a definitive reply down below. I don't think you would want anything to interfere with your surgery, especially that on your eyes. It sounds like taking the GH would be a very bad idea if you are planning to get laser surgery.
Personally I probably wouldn't use GH just for the simple fact that there's no evidence to suggest either way I'd it would help or not so it stands to reason that nobody knows if there's risks involved.
When it comes to something as important as surgery, I'd be tempted to take the conservative approach and not take the risk.
My dad had the surgery done ten years ago. He was almost legally blind, but now has close to 20/20 vision, and his sight has been just as good since the initial surgery. I would say lay off the stuff for a few weeks around the surgery while your healing just to be safe.
I agree with the others, better not take any risks to mess up the recovery process. If the healing is complete, I think that's the time that it's okay to use gh again.
It makes perfect sense to abstain for a while until the healing process has run its course. No-one wants their eye surgery to be damaged. I agree that it is not worth the risk.
I always advise to err on the side of caution. Plus, if some reports of elevated blood pressure with ghrp are true, this wouldn't be the best thing post-eye surgery.
Yes, you don't want to mess with your eyesight for sure!! I would listen to the eye doctors on this one...and when you have healed fully you could go back to your pre surgery ritual. It is one of the options that you might want to think about indulging in again when you are not experiencing any issues and your eyesight is back to 20/20.