Hey guys
I plan to run 6 week cycles, then take 4 week breaks, then follow up again with 6 weeks .. ect you get the idea.
So on those off weeks, the biggest problem is fatgain and not feeling that great.
So would using these 2 peptides help me keep gains, feel better but mostly keep fat off.
So this is what I would run for example.
ON- Week 1-6 test P 150 mg eod + npp 100 mg eod
Now this is what I need advice for , what would be best protocol to use for the off period ?
I was thinking of 50 mcg grf 1-29 + 125 mcg ghrp-2 in the morning for fat loss ( would stay fasted and do cardio + albuterol) and the same dose post work out? is this optimal or going to give the desired results?
Thanks alot guys, any help is greatly appreciated,