Really interesting article about PCT drug called Triptorelin.
Really interesting article about PCT drug called Triptorelin.
Semin (3rd September 2015)
Yes, I have heard of this, but not much information around about it..
I can't remember for sure, but too much of this leads to chemical castration?
In back days i used to research post cycle therapy heavily and never came across triptorelin being used to recover natural testosterone production, i would love to hear someone sharing personal experience about this. IF GnRH stands for Gonadotropin-releasing hormone then i don't understand how is this peptide different from HCG and which is more effective ?
From what I understand you would use hcg while on cycle. Then after you finish your cycle and all esters have cleared your system you take a single shot of triptorelin and start your SERM PCT. Unlike HCG it stimulates both LH and FSH to higher degree and longer lasting effect. HCG just keeps your balls from atrophy. People have even reported that they have successfully recovered without use of the SERM, just triptorelin.
Thanks, i am glad i found this, recovery after steroids is no fun, will have to re-plan my next PCT .
GnRH is a hormone produced by HPTA that's responsible for the release of FSH and LH from the pituitary. But HCG just mimics LH and it's mostly used during a cycle. Studies state that single 100mcg dose of Triptorelin would restart your HPTA and testosterone production.