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Thread: knee problem

  1. #1 5th August 2015 
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    knee problem

    I am just wondering if there's a peptide that can help me to perform better in soccer that assist me with my knee injury. that knee is constantly swelling. Three years ago I had a surgery of knee on the anterior cruciate ligament and got my meniscus removed. Have done done x-ray and tomography. Every thing seems fine and the only issue is that I have no meniscus anymore. Have visited many specialists, but nobody can help me. I'm thingking about using HGH for the healing and overall performance. I have read somewhere that Tiger Woods used growth hormone for healing knee injury and that many athletes use IGF-1 for injuries.
    What do you think? Any recommendations or ideas?
  2. #2 5th August 2015 
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    Most soccer players that have injuries like this and surgery will not recover completely.
    If you have the money for good quality hgh you can try, but in my opinion it will not solve your problem 100%. may improve though
  3. #3 5th August 2015 
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    hello mate
    my friend had a similar injury on his knee
    most important is to strengthen the quadriceps and hamstring on your injured leg. Test cycle could help also to get that muscle built up quickly. That alternative is also much cheaper than HGH. mod grf-129 / ghrp-2 can also be worth checking out as well as TB-500.

    At the same time, start using MSM/Glucosamine whatever other supplements you select. It really assist with joint health. Good luck.
  4. #4 5th August 2015 
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    many thanks for the answers

    I am using glucosamine, msm, chondroitin, creatine, fish oil, magnesium etc. How much testosterone do you think I should use and how long for? Did your friend used sermorelin /ghrp-2? Did it helped?
  5. #5 5th August 2015 
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    have you got atrophy on your injured leg? if your muscles are big enough to support the joint then i'm not sure if Test can fix anything else.

    yes he was taking hgh and mod grf1-29/ghrp-2 to recover from a surgery he had a year ago. results have been excellent for joint health.
  6. #6 5th August 2015 
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    atrophy in my injured leg? what do you mean? I can do everything with it, except sitting deep in the squat etc. it is too painful.
    so what would you recommend for me?
  7. #7 5th August 2015 
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    i am full of injuries and I started hgh to help with a calf injury (damaged nerve and muscle). For that injury, I can tell hgh helped me a lot.

    My knee was just as bad as yours so I've been trying to keep it feel better for more than 10 years. I can run without problem but I avoid squatting or anything hard on the joint. When I was younger I played soccer 7 years and I'm sure that it's bad for the legs specially when you've got an injury like that.

    HGH has got amazing healing properties and if you are older like me, it is really good at assisting with recovery.
  8. #8 5th August 2015 
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    Thanks for helping guys
    So you think hgh would be best choice for me? of course i will make sure i research it properly before start using
  9. #9 5th August 2015 
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    It also depends largely on budget, what sort of football you play (casual, semi-pro?), what your lifestyle is, etc.

    Thymosin Beta 4 (TB500) is a good bet for low budget, good results - but is limited to healing.
    Sermorelin/GHRP are both mid-budget options, and are also good it you're looking to train/build muscle alongside minor healing.
    HGH is the most expensive option, and it basically like a ramped up version on Sermorelin/GHRP combo.

    If you're only looking for healing TB500 is likely your best choice.
    If you also go to the gym, or you're looking to build up some muscle it may be worth paying a little more for one of the other options - but if you're not very active other than football it may not really be worth it.
    If you're playing semi-pro, most, if not all of the above will pick up on a advanced blood test - so account for that too.
  10. #10 5th August 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by peptideguru View Post
    It also depends largely on budget, what sort of football you play (casual, semi-pro?), what your lifestyle is, etc.

    Thymosin Beta 4 (TB500) is a good bet for low budget, good results - but is limited to healing.
    Sermorelin/GHRP are both mid-budget options, and are also good it you're looking to train/build muscle alongside minor healing.
    HGH is the most expensive option, and it basically like a ramped up version on Sermorelin/GHRP combo.

    If you're only looking for healing TB500 is likely your best choice.
    If you also go to the gym, or you're looking to build up some muscle it may be worth paying a little more for one of the other options - but if you're not very active other than football it may not really be worth it.
    If you're playing semi-pro, most, if not all of the above will pick up on a advanced blood test - so account for that too.
    Great info mate!

    I am just a casual player but i would like to gain some muscle mass too so it looks like sermorelin/ghrp combo is for me but what if I add tb-500 will it give better healing response?
  11. #11 5th August 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by soccpla View Post
    Great info mate!

    I am just a casual player but i would like to gain some muscle mass too so it looks like sermorelin/ghrp combo is for me but what if I add tb-500 will it give better healing response?
    Yes. It's not that expensive either so you're not really losing out on anything.
  12. #12 5th August 2015 
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    By reading your posts I feel I've been missing out a lot and I am really interested in getting more information so that I can start benefiting myself, not only healing injuries, but enhancing my performance too.
  13. #13 5th August 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunflogun View Post
    By reading your posts I feel I've been missing out a lot and I am really interested in getting more information so that I can start benefiting myself, not only healing injuries, but enhancing my performance too.
    It's quite impressive what some peptides can do, and when used in combination with others it's truly outstanding.

    Feel free to point me to any threads or PM me with any questions you have.
  14. #14 6th August 2015 
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    I recommend some TB-500, as it is quite efficient for its low cost. You will see a noticable difference pretty soon, with high dosages that is.
  15. #15 6th August 2015 
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    Ok so I have decided to try out sermorelin/ghrp-2 and TB-500. I read that good dosage for sermorelin and ghrp-2 is 100mcg 2 times a day. Is that right? And what about TB-500 what dosing schedule would be best for my injury?
  16. #16 6th August 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by soccpla View Post
    Ok so I have decided to try out sermorelin/ghrp-2 and TB-500. I read that good dosage for sermorelin and ghrp-2 is 100mcg 2 times a day. Is that right? And what about TB-500 what dosing schedule would be best for my injury?
    Yes, you are correct about sermorelin/ghrp but I would increase it to 3 times a day. Also don't eat carbs and fats 1 hour before injection and 20 minutes after.
    The most popular dosing method for tb-500 is 2-2.5 mg 2 times a week for 4 to 6 weeks, and then reduce to 1 or 2 times per month for maintenance.
  17. #17 6th August 2015 
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    Thank you guru!

    That is another important thing about peptides I think. Even if peptides by themselves can mean a great improvement, I feel that with the adequate diet and exercise it's effect can be a lot bigger.
  18. #18 6th August 2015 
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    Absolutely - especially the point about fats and carbs before injections of Ghrelin based (and Adipotide) peptides, as it allows you body to use it's own resources temporarily, increasing fat loss and muscle gain.
  19. #19 7th August 2015 
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    I would recommend using HGH since it best suited to repair damaged tissues. A dosage of 8 IU per day in a short period of about 2 weeks will do the trick. Although, after you start feeling the effects you will have to slowly reduce the dosage to 3 IU per day.
  20. #20 10th August 2015 
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    I use TB-500, Ipam with CJC-1295 and IGF-1LR3. But I highly rely on TB-500. Try the combo and see how it works for you. I am not an expert but this is what I did with my knee injury. It will help improve your knees but I am not solid sure that you can better your A-game in soccer because I don't play soccer.

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