Hey. Hope someone can answer fast, as im going on a holiday tomorrow.
I have this vial mixed with sodium chloride in the fridge, been there for about a 3 weeks, not used it. Im not sure if I wanna inject it, because I like to know its 100% sterile before doing so. But is it OK taking it the nasal way?
I mean, people do coke from tables, and bathrooms and everywhere, do it need to be absolutely no bacteria in the mix taking it up the nose?

If its OK, should i mix it with something more? Its mixed with 2,5ml allready. I got bac water here too i can mix in if that helps? I got a 10ml nasalspray I can empty. I don't care if its not optimal, just wanna take it with me and have some or just a little effect when going on holiday.

Thanks for any fast replies guys!

edit: Im allready injecting, so im quite tan allready. But i ran out yesterday, so its either inject today and tomorrow and hope its all sterile, or take it with me the nasal way and hope I get some effect.