Why do folks use PIEDs?
For most who use PIEDS, body image is the main motivation to inject. Due to desirable effect on the physique, not to mention improved self-esteem/confidence, people who use these products can develop a psychological dependence. However, for professional athletes and your average Joe, the advantage in physical strength rarely offers value. Risk for injury, abuse, misuse, infection, etc...entire laundry list can be created on why true elite athletes are often not spending their entire days/off-season tied to the IV drip.

Anabolic Steroids
Anabolic-androgenic steroids are derived from testosterone (the primary male sex hormone) and can be administered both through injection in the muscle (large users) or subcutaneously (ie.]
What are Peptides?
Peptides have become increasingly popular among professional and amateur athletes, due to fact that they are hard to detect as they are rapidly metabolised. Peptides stimulate the release of an increased level of human growth hormone, which has an important role in muscle and bone growth. Reported side effects of peptides include]
Growth Factor Peptide Hormones
There are numerous hormones and hormone stimulating drugs in the PIEDs market. These include]Growth hormones like AOD-9604, which has fat burning properties only used by foolish athletes/joe-blow to increase risk from impure snake-oil. Currently HGH Fragments undergoing clinical trials (AOD-9604) are not prohibited substance, nor worth their salt (save your $$$, do not buy AOD or Fragment Hormones GH Fragment 177 & 176-191).
Moreover, to any loved ones, stay away & allow the guinea pigs of the population experiment with SARMS. Selective Androgen Receptor Modules (SARMs) appear to only act on anabolic receptors that cause cellular growth, unlike testosterone which acts on both anabolic and androgenic effects and are classed as a prohibited drug by doping agencies...athletes under contract not to use AAS are often out-smarted or blissful ignorant when given the clear or other hocus athletes with genetic limitations are doping...hopefully with the safe, tried and true Testosterone (within biologic limits for best results).

A Trend that will not die - IGF Saga?
Insulin-like growth factors (IGF-1) are a hormone produced by the liver, necessary for cell growth in the body. It is used for muscle growth and the development of cartilage and bone. The molecule is large and complex, deer antler spray and unfortunately most fraudulent and/or impure IGF-1 analogs only make it to market in the mainstream. Even given quality long-chain amino acid peptide hormone long r3 IGF-1 barely has hope to be site-specific or have any bearing on systemic results (maybe disposing of glucose and noted gym goer pumps...whoo hoo, waste $)

Mechano growth factor (MGF) is derived from IGF-1 and helps create tissue to repair and adaptation to a horrific shill. It is used mostly by bodybuilder-dreamers and is on the WADA prohibited list...which is so sad as the authorities should disregard weak growth factors having about zero bioavailability/function in the performance enthusiast sub-culture.*