Can Melanotan II Help Me Get the “Perfect Tan” Quickly?

Melanotan II, a synthetic analog developed as a tanning agent, is gaining popularity among Caucasians and individuals in pursuit of “the perfect tan.” One of the most frequently asked questions about Melanotan II is when the results of the product start to show. After two months? A week? A year? Prospective Melanotan-II users must research on this, and a number of other questions, before experimenting on the peptide. Results among Melanotan II users vary from person to person. Some fair-skinned individuals use Melanotan II to increase the level of alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone (a-MSH) in the body, while others utilize MT-II to achieve a dark glowing skin tone, while cutting back on harmful ultraviolet radiation.

MT-II users also need to determine the effects of super-physiological alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone (a-MSH) on their skin. Will it turn the skin black, brown or orange? Will it cause freckles? These are important questions that need to be addressed. One way to accomplish this is to find credible before-and-after photos of an individual who matches your skin type. There are already numerous resources available on the Internet, as well as sites where knowledgeable users share their experiences with Melanotan II. Diligently seeking the advise of others before using Melanotan II is also strongly recommended. One should always pay attention to the reasons why individuals use the product, as well as to the particular advantages and disadvantages that the peptide has.

As the demand for melanotan peptides continues to grow, establishing whether or not you are suited for the product is a task. Individuals with sun-damaged skin (moles and freckles) are particularly prone to negative reactions, and must therefore refrain from making use of Melanotan II. Initiating a melanotan cycle is no walk in the park. Success must be carefully planned, as melanotan is a life-changing peptide which may open doors of opportunity or cause irreparable damage to the skin. Melanotan only assists a specific niche in the market, and is not for everyone.

Different areas of the body respond very differently to sunlight/UV rays. For Melanotan users, the effects can be highly individualized. Therefore, a melanotan user must be in tune with his/her body as he/she might not always have access to a reliable and knowledgeable physician. Melanotan users must also use extra protection on their arms, faces, and whatever area is consistently around sunlight, as this will prevent an increased rate of darkening in the skin, and help develop a uniform tan. Simply put, whenever you’re out in the sun, put on sunscreen or cover up, avoid burning, use a tanning lotion, and avoid overexposure to the sun, especially when using MT-II.

How long does it take for the effects of Melanotan II to show? For the ill-prepared MT-II user, very quickly. All melanotan users usually go through an initial stage where sun damaged areas show more melanin activity than the rest of the body. Generally speaking, the first two weeks of melanotan use usually involve a manifestation of these symptoms.