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  1. #1 19th August 2010 
    Semin's Avatar
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    Blog Entries

    The Pretty Skin Diet

    The Pretty Skin Diet
    [msn health]

    [b]Top Vegetable]
    "Good nutrition is a fundamental building block of healthy skin," says Leslie Baumann, M.D., a Miami Beach dermatologist. Ready to take the inside-out approach to loving your skin for life? Say hello to your new grocery list.

    Why You'll Glow]

    Why You'll Glow]
    [b]Top Fruit]
    Why You'll Glow]

    Why You'll Glow][b]
    Top Protein]
    Why You'll Glow]

    Why You'll Glow]
    [b]Top Nut]
    Why You'll Glow]

    Why You'll Glow]
    [b]Top Fat]
    Why You'll Glow]
    Why You'll Glow: This healthy fat contains essential fatty acids that help skin resist UV damage, finds a Lancet Oncology study. EFAs are also part of the cell membranes that help hold in moisture. The body can't synthesize EFAs, so consume about 1 tablespoon of olive oil daily to keep skin supple. Health Bonus: Recent research suggests that hydroxytyrosol, a component in olive oil, lowers cholesterol and helps prevent obesity and diabetes by revving the energy centers in your cells. Using it at meals also warded off the next round of hunger pains in one study, so you're less likely to snack.
  2. #2 1st February 2016 
    marielle's Avatar
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    Uhm, the structure of this post is quite confusing. I was expecting something better than it. Lol. Anyway, thank you for this! I will try my best to slice out great ideas from this post as I badly need some skin care tips as well.
  3. #3 2nd February 2016 
    raraririruru's Avatar
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    It seems like you wanted to bold some words here. Unfortunately, it did not work. Lol. Anyway, that is fine! You are still the best forum member here as you always post relevant and informational posts.
  4. #4 2nd February 2016 
    loverBOY's Avatar
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    Fruits and vegetables are great for having a healthy skin. If you do not eat that much fruits and vegetables, then you have to learn to love it. They will be good not just for your skin, but for your overall health as well.
  5. #5 27th June 2016 
    AaronGC's Avatar
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    Yes, fruits and vegetables affects your skin a lot in positive manner like it improves your hydration level in your body due to which many skin issues and health issues are reduce. Rather than eating, fruits can also be used for applying on your face. They are very effective.