Melanotan Promises to Make You Tan, Horny and Thin!
M Hickford

So I'm kind of hating 16 year olds right now. Not because in general they have perfect skin, nary a hint of cottage cheese on their thighs, glossy hair they don't have to color every 4 weeks and none of those errant chin hairs (when did I start producing too much testosterone - and more importantly, why??). No, I'm hating them because when they finally get to my age, they will have at their disposal pills and potions that keep them STILL looking 16 years old. Like a pill that can make you tan, horny and thin all in one go. You think I'm making that up? Think again.

A VERY happy accident

In the mid-'80s a research team at the sun-drenched University of Arizona was working on skin cancer prevention. Instead of slathering sun blocks on the outside, the researchers were searching for protection from the inside out, to enhance the body's own ability to generate a safe, slow tan. Team Arizona, which included endocrinologist Mac Hadley, dermatologist
Norman Levine, and pharmacology research Robert Dorr discovered a synthetic hormone a thousand times stronger than the body's own tanning triggers. They called it Melanotan1 and later Melanotan II and began testing it on a group of men.

The research team hoped to create a safe, protective tan for users without damaging sunlight. But the golden tan wasn't the only reason the research subjects were glowing.

According to Dr. Dorr, "Even at the very low starting dose of Melanotan II, every subject had an erection." You mean like, constantly?

Rather than simple vascular stimulation, like Viagra, Melanotan apparently directly stimulates the hypothalamus in the brain. So instead of tackling the mechanics of impotence, Melanotan could potentially jump-start desire. And not just in men. On Melanotan, female lab rodents tripled their levels of courtship behavior. (Not sure what that would be for rodents, but I assume it has nothing to do with pedicures, hair-tossing or flirtatious text messages.)

"After about 10 days of taking Melanotan II, I lost about 10 pounds," said Hadley, who joined the clinical trial after the testers began reporting promising results.

The Melanotan molecule also targets an appetite-suppression receptor in the body which "causes short term feelings of fullness or nausea," according to Dorr, "You could theoretically get tanned and have a lot of erectile activity and you might actually start to lose weight."

Don't get too excited...

Unfortunately, I (and you) may have to wait awhile before we can fill a prescription at the local Walgreen's (*now available in 2013, Australia).

Several pharmaceutical companies are now developing customized drugs based on Melanotan II, but each firm is focusing on different aspects of the peptides benefits.

Currently in clinical trials in Europe and Australia, the company is testing the preventative treatment of UV-related skin disorders, and for cancer therapy. CUV-1647 stimulates the body's production of melanin and provides protection when UV-radiation occurs. CUV1647 is administered as an injectable, dissolvable implant. Increased pigmentation appears a few days after injection, and lasts up to several months. The melanocortin supplement duplicates the tanning process, except without sunlight. (Just so you know, it's not BEING tan that's dangerous, but GETTING tan. Ironically, people who work outdoors and see the sun every day are at low risk for skin cancer. And the faster you get tan, the worse it is).

As U.S. company bio-pharma company is working on the sexy end of the equation. I guess that just shows you where our priorities lie....

In any case, the company is formulating a nasal spray, known as Bremelanotide (formerly PT 141), which would boost the sex drive of men and women without any of the cardiovascular side effects of current drugs like Viagra. Administered via a nasal spray, the drug is already in clinical trials. Down the road, Lab research companies will also be exploring melanocortin compounds to combat obesity as well (our other great national obsession).

But I can buy it online, can't I?

I have to admit, the prospect of getting something now that could make me bronzed, buff and all in one go gets me pretty excited. Well, not excited in THAT way, but you know what I mean.

All you have to do is search for PT-141 or Melanotan II online and numerous sites pop up offering these drugs for sale today. What's up with that? These substances haven't been fully tested nor have they been approved by the FDA. So how can this be?

Ohhhh, well if you want something for "research purposes" you can buy it. Can't seem to find an address or phone number for the company anywhere, but in the "Terms of Use" section it says, "ALL products and services offered are for RESEARCH purposes ONLY. Under no circumstances shall/should any of these materials be used for recreational purposes nor human consumption! Buyer acknowledges that the products have not been tested by supplier for safety and efficacy in food, drug, and medical device, cosmetic, commercial or any other use."

I even found a spreadsheet on a different site comparing various Melanotan II suppliers with information on what to do if your shipment is seized by customs (most of the manufacturers are in China - or from anonymous labs in the US). As always, there are two things you need to remember. Buyer beware, and if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

So for the moment, I shall have to continue being pasty, lumpy and disinterested until the federal administrations and pharmaceutical companies can catch up. But I must say, I have high hopes for the future drug-delivery vehicles. I just hope I'm still around to further educate and enjoy it.