Melanotan II - Frequently Asked Questions
by jg0524

I've never taken MT2 before. How much should I purchase, and how long will it last?

If you decide to take MT2, there are basically two phases that you will go through. The first is called the "loading phase", where you will take an injection every day until you reach the color that you like, which usually takes 3-4 weeks. After that, you will go into the "maintenance phase" where you will take an injection once or twice a week just to maintain your color. If you decide to get in the sun or a tanning bed, your color will darken dramatically. If you decide to stop taking it completely, your color will last for about three months. Depending on your weight, most first time users start with either the 30 mg or 50 mg package.

How should I store my Melanotan II and how long will it last?

You should store the vials in powder form in the freezer and they will last well over a year. After you have reconstituted them, keep them refrigerated and they will last 3-4 weeks.

I've entered the maintenance phase. How can I make my reconstituted vials last longer than 3-4 weeks since I am only taking injections once or twice a week now?

The best thing is to reconstitute your vials as you normally would. Then, pre-load your syringes and put them back in the freezer. When you are ready to use them, take them out of the freezer and let them thaw for about 5 minutes. Freezing and thawing one time will not degrade the peptide.

How long until I start seeing results?

You will probably experience a few side effects immediately after your first shot. If you have freckles, you should expect them to get darker before your actual skin color changes. You will notice a change in your skin color after 3-4 weeks.

What kind of needles should I use and where can I get them?

The types of needles that we recommend are 27-30 gauge, .5 inch needles, and hold one CC (one ml) total. It depends which country you are in, but some pharmacies or drug stores will allow you to buy them without a prescription. In the United States, you should be able to get them at Walmart. If you are more comfortable ordering online, there are several websites that carry them.

Do I need to go in the sun to see results?

It depends on your skin type. If you are skin type 1 or 2, you will probably need a low or moderate amount of sun exposure before your skin color changes. If you are skin type 3 or above, you should start to notice results without having to go into the sun.

How long will my tan last after I stop using Melanotan?

If you completely quit using Melanotan, your color will fade gradually just like a natural tan would. It should take about three months before your color is completely gone. Instead of letting it fade and then going through the loading process again, most customers prefer to take an injection once or twice a week to maintain their color.

Side Affects

Many users will report an increase in libido ( I personally felt this, and to not take it to be a side affect ), more so in men, but some women have reported an increase in sex drive as well. Other side affects are an increase of freckles, which can be skin-type dependant, however upon discontinuation of use the freckles will fade in time. Some people, when taking large doses, have also reported an upset stomach for up to 1-2 hours time, this would also be dosage dependant, the larger the dose, the larger possible side.