I have never taken MT2 before. How much should I buy and how long will it last?
MT2 involves two phases. During phase one, or the Loading Phase, you will take an injection every day until you reach the skin tone you like. This usually takes three to four weeks. Then you go into phase two or the Maintenance Phase where you will take an injection once or twice a week to keep that skin tone. Exposure to the sun or a tanning bed will darken your tone dramatically. If you decide to stop taking MT-2 completely, your color will last about three months. Most first-time tanners begin with either the 30 or 50 mg package, depending on their weight.

How do I mix the solution?

Inject the correct amount of bacteriostatic water into your vial of MT2 and the powder will dissolve immediately on its own. Important]
How do I know how much Melanotan II to take per injection?

It depends on your body weight. Keep in mind that you should start lower than your recommended dose and gradually work up to it over the course of several days.

Where should I inject the MT2?

Truth be told, you can inject anywhere on your body that has a higher percentage of fat. Most people choose to inject in the upper thigh, abdomen or hip area. The important thing to remember is to rotate the injection sites. Otherwise, if you keep using the same site, the area will get sore.

What kind of needles should I use and where can I get them?
We recommend 27-30 gauge, .5-inch needles that hold one CC (one ml) total. Depending on which country you are in, some pharmacies or drug stores will allow you to buy them without a prescription.

How soon will I begin to see results?
You should notice a change in your skin tone after three to four weeks. If you have freckles, expect them to get darker before your actual skin color changes.

Do I need to go in the sun to see results?
It depends on your skin type. If you are Type 1 or 2, you may need a low or moderate amount of sun exposure before your skin color changes. If you are Type 3 or higher, you should start to notice results without having to go into the sun at all.

How long will my tan last after I stop using Melanotan II?
If you completely quit using MT2, your color will fade gradually, just like a natural tan. It should take about three months before your color is completely gone. Instead of letting it fade and then going through the loading process again, most people prefer to take an injection once or twice a week to maintain their skin tone.

Will MT2 interfere with any of my medications?
MT2 has never been shown to interfere with any other medications, herbs or vitamins.

Are there any potential side effects to using MT2?
Sure. As with any drug, there are some possible short-term side effects you should know about, including]
How should I store my Melanotan II and how long will it last?
Vials in powder form can be stored in the freezer for a couple years. Once the MT2 has been mixed with bacteriostatic water, it can be refrigerated for months.