[b]My Guide to MT-II]
First off, let me start by saying MT-II has been nothing short of a miracle for me. I have NEVER had a good tan like i have had since using it...in my ENTIRE life.

Most commons sides that pose a problem tend to be]
Other common not so problematic sides are]
Loading is important BUT do not overstep your limits. My first ever MT-II cycle i hopped right on at 1mg ed and had no problems. However, the last go around i did that and was sick with no appetite for a week. The key is, take it slow. I would work it like this]
Day 1]Day 2: .25mg in the am, .25mg early afternoon, .25mg night
Day 3]Day 4: .50mg in the am, .50mg in the pm
Day 5 thru Day 7-10]
DO NOT INJECT more than .5mg at a time. Its not worth it. I found my body reacts to smaller split up doses. 1mg at a time i am not eating for a couple hours and generally feel like crap.

MT-II is meant for UV protection. Having said that, this is the mechanism in which it helps you tan. It stops you from burning (at all, or as much...very important note) which is anti-tan so to speak.

My advice for people who are hard-tanners.

1) Buy a package at a salon with a HIGH QUALITY low UVB bed/booth. This is most likely going to be the most expensive package but its worth it. UVB rays is what will burn you.

2) After about 5 days into the loading phase of MT-II i would begin tanning in the bed. Obviously use a high quality lotion and DO NOT GO FOR THE FULL TIME THE FIRST TIME! For example, the highest quality stand up is max 8 min. For your first time i would go for 5, then 3 days later 6, so on and so forth. If you burn, then do not go up until tanning at that time successfully with no burn.

3) Tanning on MT-II should be done at least once a week. In the beginning i recommend two sessions a week to build a tan. 3 times a week and you will get DARK.

4) There is no replacement for real sunlight BUT using MT-II does not mean you don't need sunscreen. I tend to get my darkest while using MT-II when in the sun. It doesn't take much either. I went from someone who had to wear SPF-30 and re-apply 5 times or so, to someone who wears Spf 6 Hawaiian Tropic tanning lotion and only applies it twice.

There is a point you will reach where you will be dark enough. This is where the maintenance dose comes into play. I recommend 1mg every mon. and thurs.* Once again, dosage each day is split in half every 12 hours (.5mg am, .5mg pm).* In my case, I tan on Weds. in between the two doses, then in the weekend during the summer I am in the sun. It works great.

Final Word
Anyone who takes MT-II must understand that its not meant to make you tan, its a side-effect so to speak if the right environment is added. You need to tan while using this stuff to get a tan. So if you aren't getting results its one of two things]
1) Your stuff is fake.
2) You didn't follow my instructions.