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  1. #1 6th June 2015 
    Pantobabe358's Avatar
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    Melanotan nasal spray help

    Hi everyone,

    I am a true type 1, and have previously used MT2 injections with fantastic results, but I've recently moved to Dubai so had to stop due to not being able to get the needles etc through customs. Having a hard time with the climate and skin burning out here, so when I am back in the UK for a month I am going to take them again, but am aware that once I return back to Dubai I won't be able to keep up the maintenance phase.

    I've come across this thread with great curiosity, as I'm wondering whether a nasal spray could be an answer to my problems. My question is, if I load with needles will the nasal spray be able to act as a maintenance to prevent my tan from fading? Also, many of you will know of how Dubai customs are very stringent with what you bring in to the country, would you definitely say that I'd be able to get the nasal sprays through no problem?

    Thanks for your help!
  2. #2 16th July 2015 
    hendrix600's Avatar
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    Re: Melanotan nasal spray help

    you would need to check with regulations in both countries
  3. #3 16th July 2015 
    Semin's Avatar
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    Re: Melanotan nasal spray help

    I think in your situation the nasal spray is a great route. Please let us know how it works out if you go through with it* 8)