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Thread: Runny nose

  1. #1 28th June 2015 
    Cackler's Avatar
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    Runny nose

    so far back on it I've done 2mg and this morning I woke up with a runny nose, should I be concerned or not? I don't think I've had this side affect before if even it is a side affect from dosage I mean I shouldn't be getting a runny nose in summer
  2. #2 28th June 2015 
    melanotano's Avatar
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    Re: Runny nose

    I do not think that is a side effect from MT2. Continue just :-)
  3. #3 28th June 2015 
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    Re: Runny nose

    Thanks bro I will
  4. #4 28th June 2015 
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    Re: Runny nose

    A runny nose and in fact even flu-like symptoms have been reported many times. For some users these symptoms were so bad, they had to discontinue Melanotan 2 usage.

    I don't think it's clear if they were cause by the peptide itself, by broken done peptide chains or impurities. People have been suspecting that an allergy to the peptide, broken down peptide chains or impurities can be developed.

    2mg is a very high dose, so you might want to lower it considerably.

    Also, you most definitely can get a runny nose, cough or the flu in the summer months as all of these can have a viral cause.
  5. #5 28th June 2015 
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    Re: Runny nose

    I agree with Jacques. Just curious since you said you came off it for a long time and just started back up again... are these new vials you're using or previously long stored vials?

    I've noticed this side (runny nose) and worse (congestion, mucus production, dizziness) after using melanotan II that was reconstituted for a year. It was stored in the freezer so I assumed it alright, but it gave me sides each and every dose that lasted for 3-4 days.

    I recently bought new bac water and switched to mt1 and I can say I get no sides besides slight flushing and a little stomach discomfort that goes away pretty quick. These are both sides noted in the original trials.
  6. #6 28th June 2015 
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    Re: Runny nose

    A runny nose and in fact even flu-like symptoms have been reported many times.

    @Jacques; @bdvince

    I learned a little more. But I've never even had any side effects from the injection and beyond.
    I am most concerned about the potential side effects of long-term use.
  7. #7 29th June 2015 
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    Re: Runny nose

    have you been in a public pool lately ? if so* there is a cryptosporidium out break according to the CDC it has flu like symptoms. other than that 2mg is a insane dose.
  8. #8 29th June 2015 
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    Re: Runny nose

    The vials I'm using are nearly 1 years old - I just keep them in the fridge, i used 60mg previously I had a batch of about 140mg that cost me about 450 dollars. I used to get dizzy from injection but I don't no more, I meant I've done 2mg over the last 4 days - 2mg is indeed an insane dosage. I inject around 0.5 a day I did 0.75 today on the fact I was reading melanotano topic yesterday. No I haven't used pools Jim. Their was a topic I read a few months ago that this guy had muscle pains. I too have that, primarily my leg it comes and goes (especially when I don't excercise) but it's like a sharp tingling sensation - wonder if anyone else has had this? I love the increased libido, the suppression on appetite I really had to lose weight I've lost 2 pounds currently in 5 days not too bad I guess, really enjoy taking this peptide.
  9. #9 29th June 2015 
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    Re: Runny nose

    The vials I'm using are nearly 1 years old - I just keep them in the fridge, i used 60mg previously I had a batch of about 140mg that cost me about 450 dollars. I used to get dizzy from injection but I don't no more, I meant I've done 2mg over the last 4 days - 2mg is indeed an insane dosage. I inject around 0.5 a day I did 0.75 today on the fact I was reading melanotano topic yesterday. No I haven't used pools Jim. Their was a topic I read a few months ago that this guy had muscle pains. I too have that, primarily my leg it comes and goes (especially when I don't excercise) but it's like a sharp tingling sensation - wonder if anyone else has had this? I love the increased libido, the suppression on appetite I really had to lose weight I've lost 2 pounds currently in 5 days not too bad I guess, really enjoy taking this peptide.

    I still use a 2 year old batch, and it is not degraded, and I still get no side effects after injection.
  10. #10 29th June 2015 
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    Re: Runny nose

    The vials I'm using are nearly 1 years old - I just keep them in the fridge, i used 60mg previously I had a batch of about 140mg that cost me about 450 dollars. I used to get dizzy from injection but I don't no more, I meant I've done 2mg over the last 4 days - 2mg is indeed an insane dosage. I inject around 0.5 a day I did 0.75 today on the fact I was reading melanotano topic yesterday. No I haven't used pools Jim. Their was a topic I read a few months ago that this guy had muscle pains. I too have that, primarily my leg it comes and goes (especially when I don't excercise) but it's like a sharp tingling sensation - wonder if anyone else has had this? I love the increased libido, the suppression on appetite I really had to lose weight I've lost 2 pounds currently in 5 days not too bad I guess, really enjoy taking this peptide.

    I still use a 2 year old batch, and it is not degraded, and I still get no side effects after injection.

    i was referring to reconstituted vials which degrades at an unknown rate even though we have some fake figures being thrown around... IMO it can last many months easily but after a 1 year mark it's treading unknown waters, literally.

    lyophilized peptide is known to last atleast 2 years at -18°C temperatures. you use reconstituted 2 year old batches? you previously said you use .5mg a day so 1 vial every 20 days?
  11. #11 29th June 2015 
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    Re: Runny nose

    i was referring to reconstituted vials which degrades at an unknown rate even though we have some fake figures being thrown around... IMO it can last many months easily but after a 1 year mark it's treading unknown waters, literally.

    lyophilized peptide is known to last atleast 2 years at -18°C temperatures. you use reconstituted 2 year old batches? you previously said you use .5mg a day so 1 vial every 20 days?

    I use a new lyophilized MT2 vial from the freezer every 20 days.
  12. #12 26th January 2016 
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    I guess you do not have to worry by it. I don't know why some people here are making a big deal out of it. It is possible that you just have caught colds from external factors.
  13. #13 29th January 2016 
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    Probably, you just really caught a cold. I have been using melanotan for years and so far, I never experienced having a runny nose due to it. So, please do not freak out over it.