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  1. #1 23rd May 2015 
    equipeeler's Avatar
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    Bremelanotide PT-141 First time user with storage questions

    Good morning everyone,

    * I am new to this product and have a few questions.* Having read many of the threads present here, I am ready to give this product a try.* A little bit about myself, I am a 51 athletic male who has moderate ED and am currently on TRT.* I do not have too much trouble with erections while using cialis.* Generally, I take 5mg twice daily for erections and the health benefits.* What I do have is some anxiety issues which leads to incomplete experiences with my wife.* Its the typical, too many things going on at work which interferes with sex.* My goal with this product is to use it sparingly, maybe once per month.* We get away for weekends about this often for some alone time.* Also, I would like to try this product over MT2 as it appears to have less side effects.* I am not overly interested in the tanning aspects, but not truly a total negative.* I just have read some unhappy individuals about the pigmentation changes.

    From what I have read, I should start out with about 500mg and inch it up to close to 1mg* (if needed).* my questions are as follows]
    1- Yes, I will be using bacteriostatic water.* Once reconstituted, should I pull all syringes up and freeze them or should I leave the vial in the refrigerator for future use?

    2- If I leave it in the refrigerator, how long will the reconstituted product last?

    3- If I freeze it and need to travel, can I just take it with me (and let it thaw) if I dont have a cold source to keep it frozen?*

    4- How long can it stay out of a refrigerator before degrading?

    5- Any preferred vendors to purchase from?* I am sure there are users her with plenty of positive and negative experiences.

    Thanks to all of you in advance and I look forward to the journey!
  2. #2 23rd May 2015 
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    Re: Bremelanotide PT-141 First time user with storage questions

    Welcome, appreciate the questions equipeeler. PT-141 is phenomenal with TRT & Cialis. Fyi, I am unsure PT-141 has less side effects when compared to MT2 (effects are only more targeted toward melanocortin receptors within the CNS).
    1. After PT141 is reconstituted in bacteriostatic water you'll want to leave in refrigerator. Freezing is unnecessary as the peptide is durable and will last a long while after mixed. Furthermore, you may appreciate the flexibility to experiment with varying dosages (as I agree with your dosage range & approach).
    2. 1 year
    3. It'll handle just fine without a cold source during traveling
    4. Couple months
    5. PT-141 reviews are difficult to follow oftentimes, order from a vendor who is local to your country and accepts credit cards

    Please keep us posted with questions & experiences, best of luck!!
  3. #3 23rd May 2015 
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    Re: Bremelanotide PT-141 First time user with storage questions

    Thanks for the rapid response. I reside in Louisiana and notes there seem to be many US sources for ordering. Surely, we have no idea where they obtain their product.

    What I am interests in is hearing from people who have had repeated success in ordering from a specific vendor.* Knowledge of those vendors would be appreciated.
    Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
  4. #4 25th May 2015 
    FarmersTan's Avatar
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    Re: Bremelanotide PT-141 First time user with storage questions

    Check your PM...
  5. #5 4th June 2015 
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    Re: Bremelanotide PT-141 First time user with storage questions

    I am a Canadian 58 experiecing ED and Cialis and Leivitra don't always do the trick. How do I find this stuff in Canada?
    I only intend to use once or twice a month
  6. #6 4th June 2015 
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    Re: Bremelanotide PT-141 First time user with storage questions

    While I have not done much research, maybe try these,


  7. #7 5th June 2015 
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    Re: Bremelanotide PT-141 First time user with storage questions

    Thanks on this, I have only found out about this quite recently and am very intrigued, although I do detest needles.
    Seems to me with the money in ED drugs that this drug should be fast tracked into the mainstream.
    Why is it not, is the patent held by some company that doesnt want to be in that business? And are there any signs that the drug can be taken without a needle?
    Obviously there could be a lot of FDA approval problems, couldnt premixed kits be fabricated.
    I would really like to know as much as possible.
  8. #8 5th June 2015 
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    Re: Bremelanotide PT-141 First time user with storage questions

    Actually was in later stages of trials as a nasal spray delivery but caused some problems with blood pressure. This seems to be prime reason why it was not approved for female sexual dysfunction. I am sure a medication to cause increase in sexual desire would be looked at as a potential date rape drug by some. To me the market for a medication such as this would be absolutely enormous. I am new to this too and received my product the other day but have not tried yet. I went through peptide sciences upon the recommendation of others on this board. I also have ordered some Cabergoline which supposed to dramatically drop ones refractory period and in some instances make it non existent.* One trial run on normal males showed zero side affects at the 0.5mg dose every four days. Can't wait to try one/both of these meds
  9. #9 5th June 2015 
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    Re: Bremelanotide PT-141 First time user with storage questions

    Epuipeeler your information is invaluable, please keep me informed as I will be ordering some in the next few months. Can you explain what you mean by this, as I don't understand:* "Cabergoline which supposed to dramatically drop ones refractory period and in some instances make it non existent.* One trial run on normal males showed zero side affects at the 0.5mg dose every four days."* It would be most appreciated.
    My ED has gotten much worse in the last year. I have lost weight and planning to lose a lot more to see if that helps. The combination of a Cialis in the AM and a 20mg Levitra in the evening about 2 hours before the show really used to do the trick.*
    What do you know about Alcohol usage and 141.* I know that Alcohol in larger amounts doesnt help my problem at all, but if I limit to two drinks max after my Leivitra it didnt affect performance.* Does 141 increase desire for sex or just give you confidence that you will perform?

    I really want to understand this before i start sticking needles in myself, how to order, mix, where to get needles, what sort of needles to get etc.* Also from what I am gleening on this board and elsewhere says that this can help my Mrs. with her libido.* Does this make a woman much hornier or does it just increase the pleasure aspect.
  10. #10 5th June 2015 
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    Re: Bremelanotide PT-141 First time user with storage questions

    Well since I have not tried it myself, all I can do is reiterate the research I have done on the subjects. The Cabergoline decreases the time it takes after ejaculation to reach another erection. Some have noted essentially no waiting time. Fun stuff for sure. It is used in Parkinsons patients at a dose 8 times higher. The dose for sexual performance is low and essentially no side effects.
    The PT141 stimulates desire and is said to work much better than Viagra for performance by many people.* To be fair in have seen a few that said it was not very effective when they used it. My thought would have been to try a different supplier. Some research showed it effective in over 80% of males that had ED issues. It was originally designed for stimulation of desire in women but many have noted an increase in the ability to reach orgasm much easier with many reaching multiple orgasms during single sexual experience.
    Alcohol should not be used with any forms of ED from my experience. They don't call it whiskey dick for nothing!*
    Are you using name brand Cialis and Levitea?* Some generics appear better than others. If brand name, do you take them or any daily? If some how many milligrams.
  11. #11 6th June 2015 
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    Re: Bremelanotide PT-141 First time user with storage questions

    I have a pharmacist friend in the Caribbean (where I work), he gets me generic from India and the Cialis seems to be better than the real brand. The Levitra is also generic but think the real brand works better.
    When I want to have a sexual episode I take 20mg Cialis in the AM and a 20mg Levitra in the evening a few hours before the event.* It used to work gangbusters but I am finding now that is not foolproof (as you say Alcohol is the main culprit more than likely).
    What I like about what I have read about 141 is that it works in the brain to achieve the results, not by lowering blood pressure.
    I would think if I take 141 that I would probably supplement with a 10mg Cialis in the AM (no I don't use every day) and probably a 10 of Leivtra. Anyone else on this site think this is to much?? Don't want to end up in the hospital with the dreaded 4 hour erection!

    I am going to speak to my pharmacist friend again about the 141. He has had some personal tragedies to deal with so his mind is not on much except carrying on, carrying on.
    Any feedback you can give after your first trial would be appreciated.
  12. #12 7th June 2015 
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    Re: Bremelanotide PT-141 First time user with storage questions

    I will be sure to relay my experiences with it.*
    As for cialis, I use the Tadicep as I hear it is the most consistent generic out there.* While I may be wrong, it has been good for me.* I take 5mg cialis twice daily for the health benefits which are many.*
    Many people profess that taking the PT 141 along with 10mg cialis, about 6-8 hours before the event followed by 25mg Viagra two before event has proven to be extremely successful.* I have not heard of any needing to go to the emergency room.* If you get the 4 hour erection, like I say don't call the doctor, call the nurse!
    Using the insulin syringes I don't feel the stick at all when I use my peptides for growth hormone.* No worries for you there.
  13. #13 7th June 2015 
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    Re: Bremelanotide PT-141 First time user with storage questions

    I will be sure to relay my experiences with it.*
    As for cialis, I use the Tadicep as I hear it is the most consistent generic out there.* While I may be wrong, it has been good for me.* I take 5mg cialis twice daily for the health benefits which are many.*
    Many people profess that taking the PT 141 along with 10mg cialis, about 6-8 hours before the event followed by 25mg Viagra two before event has proven to be extremely successful.* I have not heard of any needing to go to the emergency room.* If you get the 4 hour erection, like I say don't call the doctor, call the nurse!
    Using the insulin syringes I don't feel the stick at all when I use my peptides for growth hormone.* No worries for you there.

    what many health benefits in your opinion?

    doctors prescribe cialis daily at 2.5 or 5mg daily but you're the first i seen taking 10mg daily..
  14. #14 7th June 2015 
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    Re: Bremelanotide PT-141 First time user with storage questions

    Here is a quick example.

    Also if you look through this forum, (forums.steroid.com) there is lots of good information.* The guys that started this website founded the Low Testosterone clinic around the country.* Read, ask questions, you will be surprised at the volume of information they are willing to share.