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  1. #1 16th December 2014 
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    Melanotan 1: Anti acne and reduced chance of mole darkening?

    I recently found a study which suggests MT1 can potentially reduce acne]http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22845050

    Since MT2 increases sebum production, would it be fair to say MT1 might be a better option for someone concerned with acne? Or can MT2 help in this respect as well (I've heard a lot of anecdotal evidence suggesting it can clear up bad skin).

    Also, I've seen a lot of people suggest that MT1 is less prone to cause sides. Would this include a decreased risk of darkening moles and freckles? I appreciate MT2 is more cost-effective and generally more effective at getting the user dark, but I have a few light moles and freckles around and I'm generally not that concerned with getting extremely tanned (just want a healthy sun-kissed look), so was wondering if MT1 might be the better option in this case?
  2. #2 17th December 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1: Anti acne and reduced chance of mole darkening?

    it's hard to say since oily skin doesn't always necessary mean acne. However, it's worth saying that most users of MT1 and MT2 begin to spend more time in the sun or in sunbeds and UV rays have been used to treat acne in the past. Could be a case of correlation not causation.
  3. #3 17th December 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1: Anti acne and reduced chance of mole darkening?

    it's hard to say since oily skin doesn't always necessary mean acne. However, it's worth saying that most users of MT1 and MT2 begin to spend more time in the sun or in sunbeds and UV rays have been used to treat acne in the past. Could be a case of correlation not causation.

    Thanks for the response! Good point (Y) Makes sense, but the study actually seems to suggest that MT1 alone can have some beneficial effect. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any studies on MT2 to compare. As you say, anecdotal evidence seems to suggest both help, but this could be because of increased UV exposure.
  4. #4 18th December 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1: Anti acne and reduced chance of mole darkening?

    it's hard to say since oily skin doesn't always necessary mean acne. However, it's worth saying that most users of MT1 and MT2 begin to spend more time in the sun or in sunbeds and UV rays have been used to treat acne in the past. Could be a case of correlation not causation.

    Thanks for the response! Good point (Y) Makes sense, but the study actually seems to suggest that MT1 alone can have some beneficial effect. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any studies on MT2 to compare. As you say, anecdotal evidence seems to suggest both help, but this could be because of increased UV exposure.

    Also worth noting that acne is a form of inflammation and melanin is a powerful anti-inflammatory. I stand by this may be why statistically caucasians get acne the most.
  5. #5 18th December 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1: Anti acne and reduced chance of mole darkening?

    it's hard to say since oily skin doesn't always necessary mean acne. However, it's worth saying that most users of MT1 and MT2 begin to spend more time in the sun or in sunbeds and UV rays have been used to treat acne in the past. Could be a case of correlation not causation.

    Thanks for the response! Good point (Y) Makes sense, but the study actually seems to suggest that MT1 alone can have some beneficial effect. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any studies on MT2 to compare. As you say, anecdotal evidence seems to suggest both help, but this could be because of increased UV exposure.

    Also worth noting that acne is a form of inflammation and melanin is a powerful anti-inflammatory. I stand by this may be why statistically caucasians get acne the most.

    That's a very good point. So in theory, there's good reason to believe MT2 could help also.
    If you don't mind me asking, which of the two (MT1 and MT2) have you taken (if any)?
  6. #6 18th December 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1: Anti acne and reduced chance of mole darkening?

    it's hard to say since oily skin doesn't always necessary mean acne. However, it's worth saying that most users of MT1 and MT2 begin to spend more time in the sun or in sunbeds and UV rays have been used to treat acne in the past. Could be a case of correlation not causation.

    Thanks for the response! Good point (Y) Makes sense, but the study actually seems to suggest that MT1 alone can have some beneficial effect. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any studies on MT2 to compare. As you say, anecdotal evidence seems to suggest both help, but this could be because of increased UV exposure.

    Also worth noting that acne is a form of inflammation and melanin is a powerful anti-inflammatory. I stand by this may be why statistically caucasians get acne the most.

    That's a very good point. So in theory, there's good reason to believe MT2 could help also.
    If you don't mind me asking, which of the two (MT1 and MT2) have you taken (if any)?

    Melanotan 2, one summer. I had HORRIBLE acne from grade six through 12. Nothing worked, not even two courses of accutane. While on accutane, I'd stop getting acne while I was on it and would be less oily, and then boom six months later acne and oil was in full production. I grew out of my acne mostly before MT 2, however since starting it I haven't gotten more than one zit. I stand by this peptide and will be on it until the day I die if possible.
  7. #7 18th December 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1: Anti acne and reduced chance of mole darkening?

    That's a very good point. So in theory, there's good reason to believe MT2 could help also.
    If you don't mind me asking, which of the two (MT1 and MT2) have you taken (if any)?
    Good info from Alex, absolutely in agreeance on the matter. Sad that so often thin fair skinned individuals go through rounds of accutane while maturing...when photo-therapy offers the better solution.... In my opinion, both melanotan peptides can offer help with acne treatment.
  8. #8 18th December 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1: Anti acne and reduced chance of mole darkening?

    That's a very good point. So in theory, there's good reason to believe MT2 could help also.
    If you don't mind me asking, which of the two (MT1 and MT2) have you taken (if any)?
    Good info from Alex, absolutely in agreeance on the matter. Sad that so often thin fair skinned individuals go through rounds of accutane while maturing...when photo-therapy offers the better solution.... In my opinion, both melanotan peptides can offer help with acne treatment.

    Honestly, I'd argue Melanotan 2 is safer than accutane. I never got any lasting effects from it but boy, if you read up on it you'll find a sea of side effects the likes you've never seen, and yet people will say Melanotan 2 is dangerous just because the FDA hasn't approved it. Let's be real here, if the FDA approve accutane but turn the heads at marijuana then they might not be the best deciding factor.
  9. #9 18th December 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1: Anti acne and reduced chance of mole darkening?

    On one final note, it's worth saying that Caucasians tend to be the oiliest. This is a direct evolutionary advantage for the cold, skin drying environment most Caucasians come from, particularly the Scandinavian regions which have the highest rates of acne. This is also why African American's tend to have curly hair due to the lack of oil. You can test this yourself by taking multiple hot showers or scrubbing your hair excessively with shampoo, it will cause it to curl due to being stripped of oil.
  10. #10 18th December 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1: Anti acne and reduced chance of mole darkening?

    Thankyou both for the responses.

    Glad to hear it has worked so well for you ]
    Just one more question (to anyone that happens to know): does melanotan 1 give a reduced chance of freckles/moles compared to melanotan 2? I've heard it has a lower chance of side-effects, but I was unsure if this included moles etc.
  11. #11 19th December 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1: Anti acne and reduced chance of mole darkening?

    Thankyou both for the responses.

    Glad to hear it has worked so well for you ]
    Just one more question (to anyone that happens to know)]"

    Typically yes, however it has always been my personal belief that the excessive freckles and moles some users experience span from dosing far too much. I use to see some people on bodybuilding forums reccomand 1mg a day loading, that's nearly a vial a week! I don't even use a vial a summer! It's fairly easy to dose excessively on MT 2 due to it's extreme potency, however MT 1 is much more mild and you're unlikely to overdose unless you do something ridiculous.
  12. #12 19th December 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1: Anti acne and reduced chance of mole darkening?

    Typically yes, however it has always been my personal belief that the excessive freckles and moles some users experience span from dosing far too much. I use to see some people on bodybuilding forums reccomand 1mg a day loading, that's nearly a vial a week! I don't even use a vial a summer! It's fairly easy to dose excessively on MT 2 due to it's extreme potency, however MT 1 is much more mild and you're unlikely to overdose unless you do something ridiculous.

    I've been quiet on this thread, but I've been following it.
    I'd also agree with this. MT1 seems to give less freckles than MT2; and it seems largely dose dependent.

    The point about 1mg ED loading; we used to recommend that about a year or two ago. It was what the majority of people believed and lacking official evidence from studies it was all there was to go off. From what I can see the user base has rocketed the last few years and more people are trying different methods, and from this we have more accurate info.
    There could also be something said about the quality increasing over time, and thus the end product is more potent.
  13. #13 19th December 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1: Anti acne and reduced chance of mole darkening?

    Typically yes, however it has always been my personal belief that the excessive freckles and moles some users experience span from dosing far too much. I use to see some people on bodybuilding forums reccomand 1mg a day loading, that's nearly a vial a week! I don't even use a vial a summer! It's fairly easy to dose excessively on MT 2 due to it's extreme potency, however MT 1 is much more mild and you're unlikely to overdose unless you do something ridiculous.

    I've been quiet on this thread, but I've been following it.
    I'd also agree with this. MT1 seems to give less freckles than MT2; and it seems largely dose dependent.

    The point about 1mg ED loading; we used to recommend that about a year or two ago. It was what the majority of people believed and lacking official evidence from studies it was all there was to go off. From what I can see the user base has rocketed the last few years and more people are trying different methods, and from this we have more accurate info.
    There could also be something said about the quality increasing over time, and thus the end product is more potent.

    I'm not trying to criticize, I understand it's hard to get accurate dosing charts when all we have to go off of is user experiences. I suppose i'm saying it more to emphasis that most of the side effects were a result of way too high of dosages. Medicine that heals in small doses, kills in large or in this case, freckles.
  14. #14 19th December 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1: Anti acne and reduced chance of mole darkening?

    I'm not trying to criticize, I understand it's hard to get accurate dosing charts when all we have to go off of is user experiences. I suppose i'm saying it more to emphasis that most of the side effects were a result of way too high of dosages. Medicine that heals in small doses, kills in large or in this case, freckles.

    I didn't mean that!
    I just meant that a lot of the information circulating is outdated. This community is pretty lucky to have the user base it does.

    I think one of the other flaws with the steriod/bodybuilding forums is a lot of them have a 'go hard or go home' kind of attitude.
    They push their bodies on a daily basis trying to get the most out of everything, melanotan included.

    Even now in our kits we accommodate for people who wish to use 1mg doses, although we advise against it. We also sell kits with 21 needles, allowing for a 500mcg dose.
    Anyone who generally wishes to dose below that normally has done their research and can build their own kit. There's just too many possibilities to stock them all as individual items.

    And not intending to discredit other suppliers, I've noticed that the vast majority of them only supply the 11 needles, meaning you do 1mg doses. It makes me think they're not with the times and that they are still 2-3 years in the past.

  15. #15 19th December 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1: Anti acne and reduced chance of mole darkening?

    Just one more question (to anyone that happens to know)]"

    Melanotan 1 does provide a reduced chance of rapid tanning as it may turbo charge your ability 1000x (whereas MT-2 may offer 10000-50000x). Irregardless, if you're tanning and/or dosing enough...it's expected and likely some freckles/moles will darken (often before the surrounding skin - don't stress out over beauty marks as it will all buff out in time)
  16. #16 20th December 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1: Anti acne and reduced chance of mole darkening?

    Just one more question (to anyone that happens to know)]"

    Melanotan 1 does provide a reduced chance of rapid tanning as it may turbo charge your ability 1000x (whereas MT-2 may offer 10000-50000x). Irregardless, if you're tanning and/or dosing enough...it's expected and likely some freckles/moles will darken (often before the surrounding skin - don't stress out over beauty marks as it will all buff out in time)

    Ah yes, it's important to mention that. Bare in mind you most likely have multiple semi-invisible moles that you've never noticed before, they will become visible but bare in mind Melanotan II did not "create" them. Like Melanotan said your moles or freckles will darken first before the rest of your skin due to how melanin works. When your skin begins to produce melanin it does two things; First, it darkens any existing melanin, in the case of us fair-skinned indiviuals with low melanin only our moles or freckles would have enough melanin for you to notice it darkening. This is also why people with dark complexions seem to get immediately darker within an hour of exposure. Second, your skin begins the process of producing more melanin, this is typically a 48-72 hours process. This is how people can get snuck up on by their tan while on Melanotan II, they think they only got a little darker because they check how dark they are right after exposure, when in reality their skin had only just begun producing their melanin and in a day or two they will be much darker.
  17. #17 23rd December 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1: Anti acne and reduced chance of mole darkening?

    Sorry for the late response - just want to say thankyou very much for all of the responses - I really appreciate it