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  1. #1 21st October 2014 
    tommos's Avatar
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    Cycling Melanotan

    Just a question for the people that cycle Mt2 and dont use year round. Have you found that each* new cycle you do it seems to be less and less effective or have you achieved the same colour in the same amount of time each cycle?
    Im just starting my 3rd go and i found that on my second cycle it took me alot longer to get to the colour i wanted and even then i dont think i was as dark as the first time i ever used. I used different suppliers for each cycle so its possible that the suppliers Mt2 on the second cycle was underdosed/not as good quality or is it possible that your body develops a resistance to the peptide so its less effective each time?
  2. #2 21st October 2014 
    peptideguru's Avatar
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    Re: Cycling Melanotan

    Just a question for the people that cycle Mt2 and dont use year round. Have you found that each* new cycle you do it seems to be less and less effective or have you achieved the same colour in the same amount of time each cycle?
    Im just starting my 3rd go and i found that on my second cycle it took me alot longer to get to the colour i wanted and even then i dont think i was as dark as the first time i ever used. I used different suppliers for each cycle so its possible that the suppliers Mt2 on the second cycle was underdosed/not as good quality or is it possible that your body develops a resistance to the peptide so its less effective each time?

    I find that I get darker with subsequent uses. My first time I used about 12mg to get where I wanted, then used up the second vial for maintenance and stopped. The following year I used about 10mg to get where I wanted, although I did start a bit darker, I think.
    This year round I was quite light, and about 3mg in I was where I wanted. I'd attribute the most of this to being in Spain, but I doubt that made too big a difference to regular bed sessions. Another thing that is brilliant is that I never tanned before MT2.

  3. #3 22nd October 2014 
    darryl d.'s Avatar
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    Re: Cycling Melanotan

    I am in my 9th month and it seems it is taking more to stay as dark. This could have something to do with the purity of the peptide. Another factor could be that after you get used to not being ghostly white your expectations are higher. Either way I am happy that I no longer burn in the sun.