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Thread: Freckles/moles

  1. #1 19th October 2014 
    tommos's Avatar
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    Im about to start my 3rd cycle of MT2 i love the stuff. My first cycle i had a fair few freckles darken and some new ones appear as happens to everyone then once i stopped they all faded. Same thing happened on my second cycle however one thing i regret not doing on my first cycle is taking note of which ones darkened as the second time i feel i had more freckles darken then the first cycle but it could just be in my head.

    My question is do you find that each time you use is it the exact same moles that darken or do you keep getting more and more freckles/moles each time you cycle
  2. #2 19th October 2014 
    jim c's Avatar
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    Re: Freckles/moles


    My question is do you find that each time you use is it the exact same moles that darken or do you keep getting more and more freckles/moles each time you cycle

    in my case i never stop using MT2 just go in to a maintance mode, but i do notice more freckles and age spots* showing up ever year, but i just put it off as getting older, i don't think its the MT2 that causes them its the sunning, a friend of ours who never has used but tans every summer* has more and more freckles as she fades every year they do hower ever keep fading till she suns the next year.so from what i have seen the anwser* is yes*
  3. #3 19th October 2014 
    Semin's Avatar
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    Re: Freckles/moles

    Great question, I believe I differ from the above to posts. In my experience the freckles that darken (and/or remain dark for extended periods of time) are organic/random. At any given time there are only a handful of freckles which have my attn...all which fade in time. There may have been a couple dozen freckles I had noticed the first year, now at year ~9, I might have 4-6 dark freckles (to which I credit mt-2)....