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  1. #1 30th September 2014 
    Ryke's Avatar
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    Melanotan 2 Source Vendors


    New user here from Australia, that has done hours and hours of reading on MT2 as I'm sure many of you have. I am not sure if it against the rules (please close the thread if it is, however I can't see why it would be against the rules) however I wanted to have a quick discussion regarding plausible source vendors for MTII.

    I am particularly interested in why a vendor such as LabPE which has a number of promising reviews around the quality of their MT2, seems to have stopped selling/stocking it? I am unable to find it on their website, and have been unable to do so for the last month or so. Nor can i find any information regarding why they have stopped.

    Also, two sites which as far as web design I think look great (and promising) not to mention there is a toll free line you can call to discuss, is Peptide Sciences and Peptide Pros. The only thing that worries me about ordering from these guys, is although their websites look awesome, I am unable to find any reviews ANYWHERE (other than their own site which obviously could be fraudulent) regarding them.

    Also, I have heard good things about MelanotanUS.com, however i find it just so strange that there is no reviews I can find regarding these vendors!!! It really blows my mind that people just google mt2, pick the first website, purchase and inject!

    Alot of people I know are using MT2, and my main concern has always been for them AND myself is that there is no quality control around these products, and you really do not know what is in them, where they are made, how they are made quality/purity/impurities etc which is a HUGE concern when you are INJECTING something into your body.

    Now please don't see me as paranoid, I have done many drugs, injectables including steroids,* however this is of serious matter, so please - if you are able to provide any feedback regarding vendors, or provide any feedback to the above, please do as it would be extremely helpful.

    thank you for taking the time to read understandable if tdlr
    Kind regards,
  2. #2 30th September 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Source Vendors

    The main reason is because of pressure from MHRA and FDA, and others.
    LabPE, I believe, is pepbridge under another name. Most synthesis labs have seperated their B2B (universities and research companies) websites from their consumer websites. This stops the MHRA from closing down the main site, while still allowing the other site to sell to the general public.

    Generally we only provide HPLC and MS reports on request by PDF. Or as paper printouts on orders of 25+ vials.
    Any reputable seller should be able to provide these.


    unconfirmed - speculation: based on old comment about LabPE labels being on PB bottles.
  3. #3 1st October 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Source Vendors

    The main reason is because of pressure from MHRA and FDA, and others.
    LabPE, I believe, is pepbridge under another name. Most synthesis labs have seperated their B2B (universities and research companies) websites from their consumer websites. This stops the MHRA from closing down the main site, while still allowing the other site to sell to the general public.

    Generally we only provide HPLC and MS reports on request by PDF. Or as paper printouts on orders of 25+ vials.
    Any reputable seller should be able to provide these.


    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for the response, out of curiosity are you please able to provide me details on where you found information that LabPE is indeed Pepbridge? Also curious as to why MHRA is able to shutdown sites when the peptide isn't illegal for research purposes and purchase? Also, do you know anything on ProPeptides, PeptideSciences or MelanotanUS? Only ask because I cannot find any information on them, and would like to know how legit they are.


  4. #4 1st October 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Source Vendors

    The main reason is because of pressure from MHRA and FDA, and others.
    LabPE, I believe, is pepbridge under another name. Most synthesis labs have seperated their B2B (universities and research companies) websites from their consumer websites. This stops the MHRA from closing down the main site, while still allowing the other site to sell to the general public.

    Generally we only provide HPLC and MS reports on request by PDF. Or as paper printouts on orders of 25+ vials.
    Any reputable seller should be able to provide these.


    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for the response, out of curiosity are you please able to provide me details on where you found information that LabPE is indeed Pepbridge? Also curious as to why MHRA is able to shutdown sites when the peptide isn't illegal for research purposes and purchase? Also, do you know anything on ProPeptides, PeptideSciences or MelanotanUS? Only ask because I cannot find any information on them, and would like to know how legit they are.



    I'll be removing that now as I believe it's incorrect - I think pepbridge used to be a reseller of labPE Melanotan, as somebody had stated they received LabPE labels on their PB bottles.

    As to the research, it's only legal for in vivo and animal (where authorised by the relevant agency) testing. The MHRA also restricts all unauthorised importation of it, and treats it like a controlled substance.
    They need only an inkling that it will be used for the UK market and they can lodge an appeal with your domain host for removal and put in place restrictions on that domain name.
    This could be as simple as a premade shopping cart software having the UK in the shipping cost calculator. They don't even need to get confirmation that you'll ship there!

    As to the other sites, I'm not too sure, and it wouldn't really be worth my job to endorse other sites.
    You can check out www.labpeptides.net - I heard they're pretty good! (Totally unbiased review, there.)

  5. #5 1st October 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Source Vendors

    The main reason is because of pressure from MHRA and FDA, and others.
    LabPE, I believe, is pepbridge under another name. Most synthesis labs have seperated their B2B (universities and research companies) websites from their consumer websites. This stops the MHRA from closing down the main site, while still allowing the other site to sell to the general public.

    Generally we only provide HPLC and MS reports on request by PDF. Or as paper printouts on orders of 25+ vials.
    Any reputable seller should be able to provide these.


    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for the response, out of curiosity are you please able to provide me details on where you found information that LabPE is indeed Pepbridge? Also curious as to why MHRA is able to shutdown sites when the peptide isn't illegal for research purposes and purchase? Also, do you know anything on ProPeptides, PeptideSciences or MelanotanUS? Only ask because I cannot find any information on them, and would like to know how legit they are.



    I'll be removing that now as I believe it's incorrect - I think pepbridge used to be a reseller of labPE Melanotan, as somebody had stated they received LabPE labels on their PB bottles.

    As to the research, it's only legal for in vivo and animal (where authorised by the relevant agency) testing. The MHRA also restricts all unauthorised importation of it, and treats it like a controlled substance.
    They need only an inkling that it will be used for the UK market and they can lodge an appeal with your domain host for removal and put in place restrictions on that domain name.
    This could be as simple as a premade shopping cart software having the UK in the shipping cost calculator. They don't even need to get confirmation that you'll ship there!

    As to the other sites, I'm not too sure, and it wouldn't really be worth my job to endorse other sites.
    You can check out www.labpeptides.net - I heard they're pretty good! (Totally unbiased review, there.)


    Thanks for the response and honesty, Tom.

    So you have never heard of Peptidesciences or Propeptides and are unable to provide any feedback on them?
    I am going to make an order from labepeptides, purely due to the fact that* (i've been a lurker for some time now) your feedback, information, help and support provided throughout the forum has been fantastic for all users including myself.

    however, please do not take this the wrong way - it is hard to see that as a biased review. I am going to make an order from Labpeptides regardless, however are you please able to link me elsewhere where reviews have been shared regarding labpeptides? I'm sorry to be hassling you with so many questions, however I find you an extremely valuable asset to the forum as there are very few who know truthful, solid information regarding the MT2 compound. Ontop of that, I for one want to know exactly what is being put into my body via syringe.

    kind regards,
  6. #6 1st October 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Source Vendors

    Propeptides.net and Melanotanus.com are the same company. I purchase from Propeptides regularly and am happy with the price and quality. They ship from Canada, so it takes a little longer to arrive on the West Coast. I have never had trouble with it getting through U.S. customs.
  7. #7 1st October 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Source Vendors

    Propeptides.net and Melanotanus.com are the same company. I purchase from Propeptides regularly and am happy with the price and quality. They ship from Canada, so it takes a little longer to arrive on the West Coast. I have never had trouble with it getting through U.S. customs.

    thanks for the feedback fairskin. Curious as to how you know that propeptides and melanotanus are the same company???
    why would they use two seperate domains?
  8. #8 1st October 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Source Vendors

    Propeptides.net and Melanotanus.com are the same company. I purchase from Propeptides regularly and am happy with the price and quality. They ship from Canada, so it takes a little longer to arrive on the West Coast. I have never had trouble with it getting through U.S. customs.

    thanks for the feedback fairskin. Curious as to how you know that propeptides and melanotanus are the same company???
    why would they use two seperate domains?

    Fairskin is correct, there are half dozen more domains owned by the same company (it's commonplace)
  9. #9 10th October 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Source Vendors

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Anyone have any experience with Evolution Peptides or have any background information on them?

  10. #10 18th October 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Source Vendors

    i have used there mt2 .. was not impressed with either bluesky , hardcorepeptides , evolution
  11. #11 18th October 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Source Vendors

    Thanks for the response and honesty, Tom.

    So you have never heard of Peptidesciences or Propeptides and are unable to provide any feedback on them?
    I am going to make an order from labepeptides, purely due to the fact that* (i've been a lurker for some time now) your feedback, information, help and support provided throughout the forum has been fantastic for all users including myself.

    however, please do not take this the wrong way - it is hard to see that as a biased review. I am going to make an order from Labpeptides regardless, however are you please able to link me elsewhere where reviews have been shared regarding labpeptides? I'm sorry to be hassling you with so many questions, however I find you an extremely valuable asset to the forum as there are very few who know truthful, solid information regarding the MT2 compound. Ontop of that, I for one want to know exactly what is being put into my body via syringe.

    kind regards,

    I'm sorry I missed this, only rereading I noticed the questions.
    We spoke about the thee companies privately so I'll leave that out.

    And thank you, I try my best to help as I can.
    I understand the bias, that's why I tend to avoid directly advertise the site other than on the supplier forum. As to reviews you can check out the Facebook and Twitter, (under LabPeptides) I'm sure there were some there. I also think there are a couple on the forum but I can't find them right now.

    Lastly your caution isn't a bad thing. Too many people pick the first site in Google and go with it, it's that sort of transaction where somebody may get hurt, tarnishing Melanotan's name as the media love stories about it!

  12. #12 20th October 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Source Vendors


    consider running a sample program? would really like to see some feedback on these guys as its the only thing thats stopping me from ordering .
  13. #13 20th October 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Source Vendors


    consider running a sample program? would really like to see some feedback on these guys as its the only thing thats stopping me from ordering .

    Not at this moment, unfortunately. We'll be sure to let you know if we do.
