I've done quite a bit of research on PT-141 and have read all the comments/reviews in this forum.* This past Friday, I injected .5mg near my belly button.* I experienced flushing within the hour.* One coworker asked why my face was so red.* Uh, been out in the sun...understand?* But not much really happened except that two hours after injection, this very mild but nice strange feeling overcame me, and I was getting a bit of an erection.* But it lasted for only about 2 minutes and that was it.* Nothing more.
So, the following day, I tried 1mg. Beginning at about two hours after the injection, I had about five repeats of the mild spontaneous erections that lasted no more than 1-2 minutes each time.
I decided to try again the following day and injected 2mg.* Nothing happened the entire day.*
I'm so disappointed as I sometimes have a hard time maintaining an erection, and I was hoping PT-141 would be the answer.*
But I don't give up easily.* I've ordered another bottle of PT-141 from a different supplier to see if that works for me.
Some people report an onset after about 4-5 hours, how long after injection were you allowing?
Generally it doesn't work like viagra in that it requires stimulation to notice the effects, but can be effective for about 10 hours after effects begin appearing.
Best of luck next round HF96707. With regards to your let-down with PT-141, did you happen to be experiencing any stress or anxiety?
It may just be my unique experience, however I have never flushed after administering PT-141 and recall enjoying an aphrodisiac experience. Doubling down on dosage is not the solution I would suggest going forward. Secret to success for some with PT-141 is to dose similar in strategy to Melanotan 2 (ie.: dosing lower and more frequent).
Now I'm feeling it.* I ordered from a different source.* I injected 1.5mg and started getting spontaneous rock-hard erections two hours later.* In all I had about 10 spontaneous erections over a 10-hour period.* All were rock-hard and lasted 5-10 minutes.* I also took 100mg Viagra eight hours after injecting and had sex with my girlfriend.