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  1. #1 1st August 2014 
    johnny555's Avatar
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    having some troubling side effects can anyone advise

    27 year old male. I used melanotan-2 for 3 weeks, used very low doses of .25-.3 every day for 10 days, then only did injections every 2-3 days. Initially was feeling a little more tired than usual which went away in a few days and got a few new freckels. Got very tan and was feeling great about the results. Then into the 3rd week suddenly my chest and neck felt very tight and had some difficulty breathing. When I breathe now doesnt feel like I get a good breath, feel oxygen starved if that makes sense. I can not state for sure if melanotan had anything to do with this, but this tightness/breathing issue has never happened before. I have never seen this symptom before from other users. I discontinued use but a week later still having breathing issues. Is it possible after a few weeks I started to have an allergic reaction to melanotan or possibly mannitol filler? If I was allergic would side effects subside eventually since i stopped using? any comments or advice appreciated. thanks
  2. #2 1st August 2014 
    jim c's Avatar
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    Re: having some troubling side effects can anyone advise

    if I were you I'd get to a doctor ASAP .
  3. #3 2nd August 2014 
    Whiteguy's Avatar
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    Re: having some troubling side effects can anyone advise


    I am really sorry to hear about your apparent side effects to Melanotan 2. As Jim stated, best to check in with a doctor to see what's going on. It does kind of sound like it could be a potential allergic reaction (but I am no doctor). Please keep us up to date on what you find out. We really need to share our experiences so that we can all learn by them.

    Take care ~ Chris
  4. #4 2nd August 2014 
    peptideguru's Avatar
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    Re: having some troubling side effects can anyone advise

    I agree with the other posts. Although it's not unheard of, three weeks for a reaction to kick in is a long time. Did you increase your dose substanstially or start a new vial at this point?

    Even if not related to an allergic reaction, it is a symptom which should be investigated in case it gets worse.
    Are you taking any new medication or any other changes in your lifestyle?

    Out of interest, who was your supplier?

  5. #5 2nd August 2014 
    johnny555's Avatar
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    Re: having some troubling side effects can anyone advise

    Hi everybody,

    Thanks for the responses. I will go to the dr if it doesn't improve. At this point there is still some chest tightness which is a nagging discomfort, which leaves me feeling breathless at times. It seems to come and go throughout the day. I don't feel like I'm any immediate danger and it is not getting worse so I'm willing to wait a few more days and see if it improves further.

    I'm very fit and on no meds,never had food allergies/asthma and no new changes in diet,enviroment,new pets etc. so thats why I think it could be related to M2 and felt it prudent to discontinue use. I was getting down to the bottom of the vial and the vials had been in fridge for about month when these symptoms occurred. supplier was greatwhitepeptide. I'm wondering if there was any mannitol filler possibly that accumulated torwards the bottom of the vial, which triggered some sort of allergic reaction once injected. Another theory is that as the peptide ages it starts to break down making it more likely that the body will see it as foreign substance and trigger allergy (my vial was month old.) My doses were very conservative, usually .25-.3 and I was very tan with no sides until this happened.

    Again I appreciate the responses. Feel like most of the more serious M2 problems stem from unregulated suppliers, and the resulting questionable purity and filler content. I suspect if I did indeed have an allergic reaction it is more likely from mannitol than the actual M2 peptide. I will try and keep everyone updated on my situation. thanks

  6. #6 3rd August 2014 
    jim c's Avatar
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    Re: having some troubling side effects can anyone advise

    ok I'm gona take the gloves off what your symptoms might indicate is a mild myocardial infarction or some other cardo event. that is why I said asap.
  7. #7 6th August 2014 
    johnny555's Avatar
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    Re: having some troubling side effects can anyone advise

    hi everybody,

    just wanted to update everyone. 100% better and believe M2 was NOT to blame after all. after 10 days off m2 and no improvement I went over supplements I was taking (like vitamin d,c, multi vitamin) which I hadn't thought much about. well I realized about same time I started M2 I had started a omega 3 supplement (fish oil). turns out some people are allergic to it with one effect being chest tightness and trouble breathing. I probably had very small reactions initially which went unnoticed and then after 3 weeks of taking escalated into very serious chest/throat swelling. immediately stopped and I was better within 48 hrs. so feeling stupid that I overlooked it. I was so focused on M2 that I overlooked an obvious cause. anyway feeling great and very relieved. regards, johnny*
  8. #8 7th August 2014 
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    Re: having some troubling side effects can anyone advise

    hi everybody,

    just wanted to update everyone. 100% better and believe M2 was NOT to blame after all. after 10 days off m2 and no improvement I went over supplements I was taking (like vitamin d,c, multi vitamin) which I hadn't thought much about. well I realized about same time I started M2 I had started a omega 3 supplement (fish oil). turns out some people are allergic to it with one effect being chest tightness and trouble breathing. I probably had very small reactions initially which went unnoticed and then after 3 weeks of taking escalated into very serious chest/throat swelling. immediately stopped and I was better within 48 hrs. so feeling stupid that I overlooked it. I was so focused on M2 that I overlooked an obvious cause. anyway feeling great and very relieved. regards, johnny

    Brilliant news! Depending on what your multi vitamins contain, you may even be overdosing on your other vitamins. Some tablets can contain up to 2000% of the RDA, over a prolonged period that could also cause issues.


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