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  1. #1 12th July 2014 
    Silverback's Avatar
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    More questions about Melanotan 2 and PT-141

    Hi All.

    New 40 year old member here ]
    I have been using Melanotan 2, mixed with saline solution 0.9% for the last month, with great succes.
    My tan looks great, but im more impressed with the sexual bonus effect ]
    I have been using steroids for 15 years (1-2 cycles a year of 10 weeks duration) but
    have allways had problems with ED, even before the steroids.
    For the last 7-8 years i have been using Viagra/Cialis with great effect, but sadly i have now
    developed a tolerance for it and it no longer works well ]
    I was surprised to find that the Melanotan gave me awesome erections....Yaaay ]But, i have concerns and questions that i hope you kan answer/help me with?

    First week i did 0.5mg MT2 before bedtime every night and had great boners every night/morning
    and harder erections throughout the day too. (not as hard as morning erections).
    I did not notice any sideeffects in the beginning.

    The last 3 weeks i have been using 1mg MT2 once a week before bedtime but feel
    pretty bad.
    Flu-like symptoms, tired, nausea,a* pain i would say is located in the kidney area, motion sickness feelings for the whole day.
    I feel too bad to enjoy the nice erections ]
    1. Is Melanotan harmful for the kidneys?
    2. Will PT-141 have the same side effects?
    3. Do you guys eat something to deal with the nausea?
    4. If i inject 0.5mg 3 times through the day every saturday, will that help with sides and maybe still work on tan and erections?

    Any input for expirienced users are very much appriciated ]
    Best Regards
  2. #2 13th July 2014 
    Semin's Avatar
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    Re: More questions about Melanotan 2 and PT-141

    Hey Silverback, great topic. I have no reason to think Melanotan is harmful for the kidneys. However, I do believe there is greater need to consume water when on MT-2 for signalling reasons (anorexic effect...). 1mg weekly, in one dose, is a rough proposition for MT-2.... I have not known PT-141 to have the same side effect, however I do not know why it wouldn't (besides the likely intermittent dosing) - please update if/when you experiment with Bremelanotide. Best way to counter the nausea is to work with/around the desensitization (& maybe a left handed cigarette can help), check out topic here. Injecting at a higher frequency and lower dose may help, yes sir. Unsure what skin types can experience benefit with their tan from PT-141...it happens to my understanding though....
  3. #3 18th July 2014 
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    Re: More questions about Melanotan 2 and PT-141

    Thx for your input Melanotan.

    The article is very interesting.

    If anyone else have tried injecting small doses Melanotan/PT141 several times a day, then please let me know how it turned out? ]
  4. #4 18th July 2014 
    peptideguru's Avatar
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    Re: More questions about Melanotan 2 and PT-141

    Thx for your input Melanotan.

    The article is very interesting.

    If anyone else have tried injecting small doses Melanotan/PT141 several times a day, then please let me know how it turned out? ]"

    Most of the journals/experiences I've read have agreed that small doses of Melanotan helps to reduce the nausea, do this over a few days then increasing the dosage. You can also inject just before sleep and the nausea will pass by morning.

    Some reports on PT 141 though is that constant use decreases its effectiveness so occasional use is better (twice weekly for example). You don't normally get the nausea with PT 141, just the flushing but I'd think as more people start using it more sides will come to light.
