It'll be okay. Better half and I would enjoy our stay in Mexico after opening a fresh vial (traveling with supplies in checked baggage). Pre-loading ~2 doses/day each...good times! Enjoy rockinl!
Thanks! Just kinda scary. You know when you get to Cancun and go through customs and get the "red light or green light". Id hate to try and explain what that is in those syringes. I somehow can see them not believing me. lol
Maybe I'm just a bit paranoid, but I'd pre-mix and put it in an otc nasal spray. No one will inspect what kinda liquid is in it ( not to use as a nasal spray) To me it's always better this way than bringing an unmixed vial.
Syringes are not forbidden. They see thousand of these things a day. If you're worried, you can always bring a vitamin B12 vial with you. IF they would even ask you the question, just say something like]
The question is more: when taking a premixed vial with you, how long will it remain stable without losing some of its potency?
You are probably right about Mexico but I would not risk it. Technically you are supposed to have a prescription for non over the counter meds. All it would take is one over zealous customs agent to ruin your vacation.