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  1. #1 19th April 2014 
    badman22's Avatar
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    Long term user , with a question ?

    Background on myself, im 26 y.o male ive been using melanotan 1/2 on and off for around 5 years now !! i used melanotan 2 for over a year straight at one point ! however i began to develope some worrying signs of abuse including a nasty flu that i would get everytime i injected the stuff (i tryed multiple suppliers ) to this day i cannot tolerate melanotan 2 , my body attacks it !! however i can tolerate melanotan 1 in small doses ! this is my question and where it gets interesting ! originally i am a type 2 skin high end type 1 i can tan naturally after getting burnt ! however since using this drug i seem to tan easily even with very very small amounts of melanotan 1 ( even tho the recommened dose is x3 of that of mT2 ) for example i am able to tan on around .25mg of MT1* a day i notice a change in my skin with no other side effects apart from bags under my eyes / tiredness sometimes !! can anyone explain this according to every where i read MT1 needs alot more to work well not for me ?? its definty mt1 aswell because ive tryed shooting MT2 and everytime i get the same reaction , its also a different colour with the MT1 its not as deep but still nice* ;D
  2. #2 19th April 2014 
    Djen's Avatar
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    Re: Long term user , with a question ?

    I'm not sure if it's melanotan 2 related. I understand your concerns but I'm sure no one ever heard this kinda stories before and it could scare people. Make sure you've had a medical check up. It's most likely caused by something else.
  3. #3 19th April 2014 
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    Re: Long term user , with a question ?

    I never had sinus/ear/stiff jaw problems until MT2. Is it related? Coincidental? Dont know. I do know without a doubt that MT2 affects my immune system. In my case, taxes it very hard.

    I tanned very weel on small doses of MT1. I may have to go back to it because every time Ive used MT2 over the past 3 years, Ive come down with some kind of nasty sinus/ear/digestive problems. On MT1, I had none of that.
  4. #4 20th April 2014 
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    Re: Long term user , with a question ?

    I've never heard of melanotan having an impact on someone's immune system. It's always an "and" "and" "and" story. It's always easy to blame melanotan because it's not FDA approved, then it must be the bad thing.
  5. #5 20th April 2014 
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    Re: Long term user , with a question ?

    Maybe you need to do more research. You do know that the nausea and flushing is a immune system response right? Im not "blaming" anything. But after 4 years of use, I have a pretty good idea, along with a journal of the correlation between when I start MT2, and physical changes.

    If I was worried about it being FDA approved, i would never use it. Get a grip. Im open to any and all peoples experiences with MT2. Still alot of unknown about this peptide.
  6. #6 20th April 2014 
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    Re: Long term user , with a question ?

    I've never had the flushing and the nausea goes away after a couple of days. When your body got used to it. Most long term users have no problems at all. That's a fact. But maybe some people are just allergic. You can be allergic to tomatoes or carrots as well which doesn't mean they're bad. It's just something personal and it shouldn't scare off other users. IMHO.

    Someone with a good lifestyle ( healthy diet, working out) will be healthier ( in general) than a couch potatoe. In the end we all point it out at one particular thing that ruins everything.
  7. #7 12th May 2014 
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    Re: Long term user , with a question ?

    Hey I hit the gym 4 times a week, ran a half marathon last month and eat a pretty clean diet so I know pretty well when my body tells me somethings wrong.

    I think (read hope here as well) the issues people are dealing with in terms of reactions at the moment are more due to low grade, unpure peptide than mt2 itself. I don't think blaming people for their reactions is a clever idea either. The fact we have this forum where we can share experiences if a big gift, and the fact I've experience similar reactions to those mentioned here along with a lot of others makes me believe it is a real reaction and not an excuse. Whether it is from MT2, mannitol or other substances I have no idea, judging by some of the shady whole sale suppliers of MT2 my guess would be there is a lot of crap mt2 floating around.

    I've never had the flushing and the nausea goes away after a couple of days. When your body got used to it. Most long term users have no problems at all. That's a fact. But maybe some people are just allergic. You can be allergic to tomatoes or carrots as well which doesn't mean they're bad. It's just something personal and it shouldn't scare off other users. IMHO.

    Someone with a good lifestyle ( healthy diet, working out) will be healthier ( in general) than a couch potatoe. In the end we all point it out at one particular thing that ruins everything.
  8. #8 12th May 2014 
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    Re: Long term user , with a question ?

    Also if a significant portion of people using MT2 are having extreme allergic reactions OF COURSE they should highlight it here. That's what the whole point of the forum is, for people to share information so they can make informed decisions on usage. You putting people down for expressing their experience is pretty stupid, irrespective of whether it contradicts your subjective experience of MT2...

    I've never had the flushing and the nausea goes away after a couple of days. When your body got used to it. Most long term users have no problems at all. That's a fact. But maybe some people are just allergic. You can be allergic to tomatoes or carrots as well which doesn't mean they're bad. It's just something personal and it shouldn't scare off other users. IMHO.

    Someone with a good lifestyle ( healthy diet, working out) will be healthier ( in general) than a couch potatoe. In the end we all point it out at one particular thing that ruins everything.
  9. #9 12th May 2014 
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    Re: Long term user , with a question ?

    There's no need to start yelling. I said: maybe you're allergic. Don't know if it could be the melanotan. I personally believe it's rather due to other substances, but you can never be sure.
    You never know what you're buying and it's always best to buy from suppliers you know. A new supplier could always mean a new story.

    When I mentioned the healthy lifestyle I didn't want to offend you. I just wanted to say that some people have a bad lifestyle and they blame melanotan when something is going wrong. At one point there was a woman having died from a cardiovascular disease due to obesity and the headlines were like: woman dies of melanotan usage.
  10. #10 12th May 2014 
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    Re: Long term user , with a question ?

    It's impossible to yell on an internet forum dude! I know what you were trying to say, I just think we should be careful of dismissing peoples concerns. Personally at the moment I'm worried about some of the side effects others, and myself have experienced and think threads like this help us understand what's going on a bit better.

    There's no need to start yelling. I said]You never know what you're buying and it's always best to buy from suppliers you know. A new supplier could always mean a new story.

    When I mentioned the healthy lifestyle I didn't want to offend you. I just wanted to say that some people have a bad lifestyle and they blame melanotan when something is going wrong. At one point there was a woman having died from a cardiovascular disease due to obesity and the headlines were like]"
  11. #11 12th May 2014 
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    Re: Long term user , with a question ?

    gonna chime in here.* There is an unbelievably large amount of complaints across the internet that highlight serious side effects such as anxiety, tachycardia, flu like symptoms...the list goes on.* I'm not an experienced MT2 user but I DO know when my body tells me to stop something and MT2 caused an almost hospital-inducing series of side effects in me.* NOT good.
  12. #12 12th May 2014 
    BoB.org's Avatar
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    Re: Long term user , with a question ?

    This forum should be all about people sharing there experiences with the peptides wether they are bad or good. Its always impossible for someone to directly point a finger at the peptides without medical backup. I do think that certain people can develop immune responses over a period of time luckily I am not one of them.

    I have been using MT2 since 2010 without any problems however obviously this does not mean its safe. As someone pointed out at the end of the day what you are using is unregulated there for there is always a risk involved. The only sides I have ever got from MT2 is slight stomach nausea and facial flushing right after an injection and they seem to disappear after about 5 injections.

    I think its a good idea for anyone that is using these peptides to have a medical check ( bloodtest etc ) before starting a new course and a few months into it just to make sure everything is ok.

    I have my bloods tested every year and also a check up by a dermatologist to make sure my skin is ok.

    Just wanted to add my opinion to this thread. For anyone that is suffering from sides that they never had before I would say switch to MT1.

    * BoB
  13. #13 12th May 2014 
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    Re: Long term user , with a question ?

    I've had a blood test after 6 months of daily injections and only had the nausea for the first couple of days. My blood work was fine. I think, I assume M2 is safe for me but some people might be allergic to it, or to other substances. The most important thing is to listen to your body. Most users are fine but that doesn't mean some people do not tolerate it. We're all different.