I've recently become interested in Melanotan ll and was curious as to which supplier I should use, or if there were a list of quality suppliers somewhere. Other information such as what to expect during the early stage of usage, i.e. side effects/cautionary warnings concerning dosage and whatever else is relevant. Thanks!
Welcome MCoyle55, best of luck with your search. How did Melanotan II come on your radar?
No lists are available anywhere I am aware of. Vendors supplying the products are often at bodybuilding forums (RUI offers MT-II, USA company).
I was perusing the internet looking for tanning secrets and stumbled upon Melanotan I, after a bit more research I found this forum and decided to ask those who've ventured before. I suppose I what I was looking for was a recommendation on a quality supplier and perhaps a bit more info as to what to expect from the product.
Great, Melanotan I is a nice secret to know about in the futuristic biotech tanning dept. Melanotan II is significantly more widespread as the product sells more and goes a lot further to tan the body as rapidly as possible. Secrets, strategy and what to expect from usage/experimentation is what we are here for - hopeful we are able to offer insights MCoyle55.
To gauge expectations, can you share background, goals & info with regards to skin type/genetics as well as your UVR environment/availability? If not in a rush, best to chill and observe the forums for reviews/challenges. Quality suppliers are not going away, what's relevant is your health & learning from others mistakes* ;D
Thanks for the expedience in your reply! Background]
Living in Southern California gives me an immense amount of UV exposure so sticking to a 'tanning routine' wouldn't be terribly difficult. I turn thirty-three this year and am planning on taking a cruise to the South Pacific, which will lead to a great deal of exposure and I would LOVE to able to enjoy the activities without burning and being so tinted red afterwards. Any information would be greatly appreciated!
Wonderful details, have to praise you as a candidate, live the dream my friend. MT-2 is indeed the product suited to defend and develop melanin in your skin type...beautiful California is icing on the cake, photo-therapy will be enjoyable* 8)
My background mirrors yours a lot, check out my 2014 topic in the peptide journal forum. Ramp up the aggression and listen to your body - your South Pacific trip sounds like a great time.
Thank you! You've been both informative & insightful than I could have imagined, I'll be perusing around a bit on the boards and researching. I will check out your topic post a few moments after I click 'post', thanks again and I hope we'll be talking shop more in the future.
MCoyle55: I am very light skinned and have had a similar experience. I am 7 weeks and approx. 11 mgs into the program. I was in FL a couple weeks back and, for the first time in my life, I did not burn once. The top of my head (bald) and my forearms still appear a little red though no burning. I am actually seeing tan lines which is also a first.
After 10 mgs I am now injecting 250 mcg twice weekly. After reading these forums I am being patient and going slow. I am also fortunate as the only side effect I've noticed is the libido issue. Good luck and keep us posted.