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  1. #1 22nd February 2014 
    Pale Guy's Avatar
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    Melanotan I vs Melanotan II - help a ginger out!

    Hey guys!

    I'm a ginger all the way - red hair, pale skin and freckles on face (little on shoulders/arm). I'm extremely conscious about my pale skin, might be scarrs from when I was younger and being bullied with being an "albino". I also work out out and it sucks that I can't show off at the beach haha!* ;D

    I have a few questions]
    Will smaller doses (50 mcg) melanotan 2 spread agross the day reduce the amount of freckles/moles/hair darkening?

    When the desired tan is acquired is it possible to maintain with melanotan 1?

    Will using melanotan 1 only give me some colour without the side effects of melanotan 2 (albeit slower)?

    Is it true that using both M1 and M2 right before tanning is better? I've read that the body will have a use for the peptide, and not just target freckles/moles/hair?

    Thanks guys, I appreciate it!
  2. #2 22nd February 2014 
    Semin's Avatar
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    Re: Melanotan I vs Melanotan II - help a ginger

    Hey Pale Guy, feel your pain. Please remove can't from the vocabulary. You CAN show out at the beach, without fear of sunburn & hazing

    I was of the palest children at swim meets, whitest player on the skins team...sole football player applying sunscreen in the locker room....

    Small Melanotan 2 dosages spread out is indeed a viable strategy for mitigating side effects, providing enough time to listen to how the body reacts to tanning/melanocortin therapy. With freckles, especially on the face, extra caution is needed to avoid any/all unnecessary UVR exposure. Moles are highly individual also...hard to forecast the effect. Hair darkening is an aspect I look fondly upon (removes signs of natural ginger on the body/face). Primarily, dosing lower, w/ a high frequency helps to lessen side effects related to energy, oil, acne, libido, gi tract, rapid tanning, etc etc.

    Indeed, once a desired color is achieved from MT-2, switching off to MT-1 is possible/beneficial. It's not true combining the two products will yield advanced results.
    Great questions, please update & follow up* 8)
  3. #3 22nd February 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan I vs Melanotan II - help a ginger

    Hey Pale Guy, feel your pain. Please remove can't from the vocabulary. You CAN show out at the beach, without fear of sunburn & hazing

    I was of the palest children at swim meets, whitest player on the skins team...sole football player applying sunscreen in the locker room....

    Small Melanotan 2 dosages spread out is indeed a viable strategy for mitigating side effects, providing enough time to listen to how the body reacts to tanning/melanocortin therapy. With freckles, especially on the face, extra caution is needed to avoid any/all unnecessary UVR exposure. Moles are highly individual also...hard to forecast the effect. Hair darkening is an aspect I look fondly upon (removes signs of natural ginger on the body/face). Primarily, dosing lower, w/ a high frequency helps to lessen side effects related to energy, oil, acne, libido, gi tract, rapid tanning, etc etc.

    Indeed, once a desired color is achieved from MT-2, switching off to MT-1 is possible/beneficial. It's not true combining the two products will yield advanced results.
    Great questions, please update & follow up* 8)

    Appreciate the reply M! I've been reading quite alot of threads here, and you've pretty helped people in all of them, it's awesome.

    I have no problem with hair darkening, BUT I don't know what to tell people if my hair got darker. What do you tell people?

    Are you saying that the freckles/moles darkening is an result of BOTH injecting M2 AND being exposed to UV rays - not just the M2 alone? Does this mean that, if I avoided the sun, I wouldn't get darker freckles?

    Do you think it has an effect on freckle darkening whether one inject before tanning or before going to bed?

    Again, your help is much appreciated, and if I do choose to go this route I'll keep a log here!

  4. #4 22nd February 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan I vs Melanotan II - help a ginger out

    Thank you PG, happy to help if i can - learn from my mistakes

    MT-1 is indeed more incognito - the photos from clinical trails highlights the potential results well imo
    If under close watch it may be inappropriate to use mt-2, you're wise. Personally, my transition occurred slowly & organically after experimenting with spray tan. Enjoyed the few days of cosmetic benefit, however did not find the performance + sustainability (spray tans stink - being active, I like to sweat... - nobody mystic tans any longer, do they?). Melanotan suntan replaced the need for sunless tanning products and eventually sun bathing altogether....

    Photo-therapy is the secret sauce/art to the equation. Just the peptide(s) alone will present challenges, it's best to have balance. I believe the tanning salon visits offer value when starting out - minutes daily can go a long way, whether natural or synthetic.... Injecting and then applying lotion/spf prior to tanning (+covering strategically if needed) is the only way I knew how (to get results & not burn) - considering a single session, dosage has effect and can have significant impact - main concern is to not overdo it. ie.]
  5. #5 22nd February 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan I vs Melanotan II - help a ginger out

    Thank you PG, happy to help if i can - learn from my mistakes

    MT-1 is indeed more incognito - the photos from clinical trails highlights the potential results well imo
    If under close watch it may be inappropriate to use mt-2, you're wise. Personally, my transition occurred slowly & organically after experimenting with spray tan. Enjoyed the few days of cosmetic benefit, however did not find the performance + sustainability (spray tans stink - being active, I like to sweat... - nobody mystic tans any longer, do they?). Melanotan suntan replaced the need for sunless tanning products and eventually sun bathing altogether....

    Photo-therapy is the secret sauce/art to the equation. Just the peptide(s) alone will present challenges, it's best to have balance. I believe the tanning salon visits offer value when starting out - minutes daily can go a long way, whether natural or synthetic.... Injecting and then applying lotion/spf prior to tanning (+covering strategically if needed) is the only way I knew how (to get results & not burn) - considering a single session, dosage has effect and can have significant impact - main concern is to not overdo it. ie.]"

    Cool M, thanks! Will freckles darken less if I limit UVR exposure of my face in the start up phase?

    I will post my battleplan soon in the journals section before ordering/using the peptide, just to make sure I'm doing it right!
  6. #6 27th February 2014 
    verywhiteboy's Avatar
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    Re: Melanotan I vs Melanotan II - help a ginger out


    Cool M, thanks! Will freckles darken less if I limit UVR exposure of my face in the start up phase?


    No.* But when you start your UV exposure the lighter areas of your skin should turn faster so the difference between the darker skin and darker freckle might be less* pronounced.* And that is what you probably want anyway