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  1. #1 3rd January 2014 
    Semin's Avatar
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    Breaking down MT-II

    Breakdown of Melanotan II
    Melanotan is a synthetic peptide that is produces natures way of making the skin tan. Melanin is created as response to damage from exposure to UV rays to protect the against skin cancer. This chemical has been synthesized in super-potency for extraordinary results. Melanotan II is the leading eumelanin enhancer developed by University of Arizona researchers. This melanocortin analog (MT-II ) mimics behaviors of the protein peptide hormone alpha-melaocyte stimulating hormone (a-MSH).

    Warning about Peptide Shops
    Melanotan products arrive with no instructions, as they do not exist. Melanotans have not been approved for mass appeal.

    Products that contain any form of melanotan 2 are not allowed to be sold for human use; there are a variety of items online that claim to contain this ingredient because they have been manufactured in markets that do not have melanotan restriction.

    Fortunately, cases where these products contain fraudulent ingredients are few and far between. It's rare any entity would sell imposter MTII designed to mimic the powerful effects of melanotan 2. Illegal vendors bridge the gap between big pharma to take advantage of open source technology.

    These research peptide products will be sterilized and contain a specific list of the methods used to create the proper peptide sequencing. Today researchers rest assured that they can predict how these chemicals will behave in clinical trials when they are to test efficacy in subjects. This will also ensure that any bulk purchases are consistent to avoid any potential for an alteration of reactions during clinical trials that are difficult to accounted for.

    Melanotan Developments
    Pilot studies using cylic heptapeptide analogs of MSH (MT-II) have found to have bio-active/potent melanotropic activities in vitro.

    Studies utilizing alternating day trials with placebo controlled trials were conducted on male animal test subjects with initial applications of .01mg/kg of melanotan 2. Subcutaneous injections of saline or melantotan 2 were applied daily during weekdays for two weeks.
    Two of the test subjects saw an increase in the increments of melanotan applications with .0005, .03 and .025mg/kg applications given throughout the length of the study. In these two subjects, .03mg/kg applications and higher were found to cause fatigue and somnolence.
    Test subjects given applications of melanotan also showed signs of mild nausea at most dosing levels. Stretching and yawning complex appeared to correlate with applications around 1-5 hours after the chemical was applied. However, the length of time between these reactions appeared to correlate with the size of the application of melanotan 2 that was provided.
    Of the three test subjects that were used in this study, two saw increased pigmentation around the face and upper body which was determined by comparing pictures of the test subjects against visual perception a week into the study. This was also compared a week after applications of melanotan 2 had ceased. These results help to demonstrate the tanning ability of melanotan 2 at 5 low applications up to 5 days of subcutaneous injections can provide.
  2. #2 3rd January 2014 
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    Re: Additional Considerations for MT-II

    Much of the research surrounding melanotan focuses on replicating the peptides action from healthy skin. Effective therapy with melanocortin peptides may reduce incidences of erythema. Freedom from sunburn can appear quite super-physiologic, particularly in those with melanocortin mutations (sensitive skin)....

    Melanotan was initially designed to mimic the chemicals in an animal’s body that are used to darken the skin tone as a protective barrier against UV rays from the sun.* Moreover there are those who would also like to use melanotan 2 for cosmetic reasons, causing the skin to take on an attractive skin tone, darker beard, etc without the unnecessary risks associated with sun tanning.

    Because melanocortins naturally have a very short half-life, they pass through quickly. In order to stay around and work harder/longer the mt2 peptide has been altered to create cyclic durability. Melanotan is to known to cause a variety of side effects. Not even during clinical trials did test subjects receive innovative drug delivery technology. Particularly low applications in patients can cause nausea, stretching and yawning. Males have been found to experience spontaneous penile erections when they are exposed to melanotan 2, enter PT-141.
    These side effects on their own are not typically considered to be dangerous for test subjects involved in this research, but it is believed that larger applications could impact the severity of these side effects, which should be accounted for when working with a variety of animals during study.