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  1. #1 17th May 2013 
    sobol's Avatar
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    Nausea from Melanotan I

    Trying to figure out the mechanism that causes the nausea and bloating. Im still experiencing it after 3 weeks. Im prone to believe that it is a immune system response due to a "foreign" substance being introduced tot he body. Just injected 10 minutes ago, and man do I have a sick feeling in my stomach and feel really bloated. Not enough to throw up, but just enough to make me feel ill. Im only dosing 1/2 a mg.

    By the way, Im using M-1 and am seeing great results already. Ive been in the tanning bed 6 or seven times in the last month, and Im at least 5 shades darker than I was. Makes me wonder as before, if its really M-1 and not M-2......?
  2. #2 18th May 2013 
    Semin's Avatar
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    Re: Nausea from Melanotan 1 vs Melanotan 2

    in my experience, I find the nausea side-effect has similarities both melanocortin peptides* - generally I think MT-1 passes quicker, whereas MT-2 can come in waves.... great to read of the results! hopefully the sides will become more and more marginal as the gi tract/melancortin system gets exposed to more product
  3. #3 27th February 2014 
    verywhiteboy's Avatar
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    Re: Nausea from Melanotan I

    Mt1 causes no sides in me whatsoever.* It feels like injecting straight bac water alone.* But I may be intensive compared to others as MT2 only causes minimal trouble for me when injected after ceterazine tablets and before bed.

    I have heard hearsay reports of mislabeled vials.* Would you mind pm ing me your supplier?
  4. #4 27th February 2014 
    house02's Avatar
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    Re: Nausea from Melanotan I

    Verywhiteboy, excited to hear that you switched to Mt2.* Can you share your experience so far?
  5. #5 1st March 2014 
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    Re: Nausea from Melanotan I

    I had never intended to use mt2 on a regular basis because of the negative long term sides that have been reported occasionally.* I ordered 2 bottles when I first started this journey.* The first bottle was used up experimenting with buccal and sub lingual trials, mixing differernt binders and jelling agents to try and recreate the b12 type strips.* My log on that experiment was lost when m.org disappeared.* Suffice to say it was a complete failure.* I raised cattle for most of my life and have given 100,000s of subq injections.* Pushing 12-18 ga needles into cattle left me with a flinch so I wanted to experiment.* Then I discovered how harmless and painless the 31ga insulin needles are compared to the stuff I was used to using in cattle.

    So I am left with one bottle of mt2 after loading with mt1.* I wanted to try it after hearing it works better for maintenance.* I also wanted to experience the sides that so many have been bringing up as of late.* So far not much, but I will update later.