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  1. #1 14th May 2013 
    Girlygirl6's Avatar
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    Melanotan-2 before vacation

    Hey there, I just ordered melanotan 2 to which I am onto day four. I accidentally was dosing .5ml instead of .5mg (oops!). Did not feel too good (to say the least). What did you think of the mt-2 peptide? Have you changed color yet? I'm going on vacation in two weeks and I'm type one do you guys think ill have some color by then?
  2. #2 14th May 2013 
    jim c's Avatar
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    Re: Experience with Melanotan-2

    Hey there, I just ordered from melanotan-2 I am on day four. I accidently was doing .5ml instead of .5mg oops. Did not feel too good. What did you think of the site? Have you changed color yet? I'm going on vacay in two weeks and I'm type one do you guys think ill have some color by then?

    no wonder you don't feel good that a high dose for starting out .010ml then move up to .025 ml* as far as color in two weeks* not without UV* than not deep* with UV took us two months to build a good tan .
  3. #3 15th May 2013 
    Girlygirl6's Avatar
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    Re: Experience with Melanotan-2

    I know I was throwing up for a couple days. So how many mg does .025 ml equal too? I was thinking of going tanning everyday before my trip which is in ten days. Then I was hoping on still doing the loading phase on my trip which is in Florida. Ill be there for two weeks. Hopefully during my trip ill start to get some color! What do you think about packing it in my luggage on a flight or is that too dicey? A nice little base would be good before ny trip thats what im hoping. do you think do able with all that uv exposure? You said you ordered from melanotan-2.com as well? Is that your fav supplier?
  4. #4 15th May 2013 
    Girlygirl6's Avatar
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    Re: Experience with Melanotan-2

    Sorry also is it 1ml of bac water per 10mg or 2ml. I read conflicting answers. Sorry for 21 questions! Thx
  5. #5 15th May 2013 
    Semin's Avatar
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    Re: Experience with Melanotan-2

    Sorry also is it 1ml of bac water per 10mg or 2ml. I read conflicting answers. Sorry for 21 questions! Thx
    Either works, it's only math (& a little user-convenience)
    At least 2ml of bacteriostatic water helps to dilute such a potent peptide like MT-2
    The default at peptide calculator would be a typical large potency when 1ml is used to reconstitute a 10mg vial of Melanotan II. It's recommended here to use 2ml as it makes the 500mcg or 10unit maximum dosage (to acclimate up to) measured at 10iu (or 5 tick marks on many insulin syringes)
    Very sorry to read about the regurgitation after large mt-2 dosage, painful and scary!
    MT-2 in checked baggage is safe