Here is some info I thought may be interesting ]
OK so what I seem to understand from these articles/topics is that since Melanotan does by itself the melanogenesis part (creates new melanin without the need for sun exposure/damage), it would seem legitimate that Melanotan users only need UVA exposure to get their tan, therefore avoiding the additionnal damage from UVA exposure ? Any ideas about that ? =)
Re: UVA vs UVB exposure when taking Melanotan I/II
What's good Noddy* ;D
Interesting topic indeed
I do believe exposure to UVR goes hand in hand w/ melanotan peptide hormone therapy. The benefit of utilizing the synthetic melanocyte-stimulating hormone is the melanin is developed w/o significant damage to the skin/cells.
Truth, with enough time + MSH, a sunless tanning experience is possible* 8)
While transitioning from a spray tan to a real suntan, with naturally sensitive fair skin, differing exposures where valued from my recollection. First, initial controlled photo-therapy at the solarium can be extremely helpful. Although embarrassing and possibly a hassle, I do recommend brief tanning bed sessions for controlled UVR (limiting time and areas of emphasis on the body). When your environment allows for an enjoyable 10-30 minutes outside/poolside, take advantage!
Those who are living in colder climates have challenges, as do the Australians w/ their highly intense UVR