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  1. #1 19th March 2013 
    WhiteGirl's Avatar
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    Melanotan II Skin Type 1

    Hi there.
    So i started melanotan 2 about eight months ago. I have always had the whitest skin ever, its a HUGE insecurity of mine. When i first found out about melanotan it gave me hope. I still have hope and have seen slight results.* I have been injecting on and off sense then. Almost everyday skipping a few here and there. I get slight side effects like nausea of flushed face but I have never minded it. Over this amount of time I will tan about once or twice a week... I have only had a slight difference in my skin. Before my skin literally looked albino but now I have a slight tan line and depending on the light it looks like I have color. Most of the color is only on my stomach though. Should I increase my dosage or what is going on? Everyone is always talking about how great there results are. Also a need a new good supplier with the purest peptides and was wondering if anyone had suggestions from there own experience that they were happy with. I still have hope that I can get a tan with Melanotan 2, I have to it would be such a life saver.
  2. #2 19th March 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Skin type 1 almost 0

    hi you* need to inject regulary we ( wife and I) use a dose of .025* every day when wanting to deepen tan,* you* sound like you are on maintance* injections (once or twice a week), if you do inject* more often* and start with a mild tan regime say 10 to 15 min a side* on a bit more depending on your location* and once you start to tan up increase time in sun (we were up to way past 2 hours ) , also don't be supprised if you find a few freckels , and if you sun sans suit a darking of the aroles and gentilia.also keep your face covered , face tans at a much faster rate then the torso.
    we have beem using Melanotan2.com for a supplier , not the cheepest* but works well for us.
    jim c
  3. #3 20th March 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Skin type 1 almost 0

    I have been injecting daily, its just not showing much result. I have gotten a lot more freckles and moles but i don't mind it. I plan on getting them removed anyway. I am just frustrated because everyone seems to be getting a nice tan. And when I go tanning in a sun bed Ill go in for about 12 minutes. Its crazy I don't burn anymore so thats good, but id Like to know if I'm doing something wrong or maybe just have been using low quality vials...
  4. #4 20th March 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Skin type 1 almost 0

    how much are you injecting ? .025 equal 5 units on a 30 unit syringe we also inject just before sunning* but more often right after. you say 12 min in a tanning bed is that just on your back? we never have used a tanning bed as we live in the sun belt* but* they do have different settings so i'm told.
    jim c
  5. #5 20th March 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Skin type 1 almost 0

    I take 10mg every time. And I tan both sides....* I inject before bedtime to sleep threw any side effects.
  6. #6 20th March 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Skin type 1 almost 0

    i hope you ment .010 mg* 10 mg is one vial. are you using a 30 unit or a 100 unit syringe ? , also the pepides have a short life span in the body i would* suggest injecting just before tanning* for a start* that way the sides would would not affect* you as much.
    jim c
  7. #7 21st March 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Skin type 1 almost no pigment

    Hi there.
    So i started melanotan 2 about eight months ago. I have always had the whitest skin ever, its a HUGE insecurity of mine. When i first found out about melanotan it gave me hope. I still have hope and have seen slight results.* I have been injecting on and off sense then. Almost everyday skipping a few here and there. I get slight side effects like nausea of flushed face but I have never minded it. Over this amount of time I will tan about once or twice a week... I have only had a slight difference in my skin. Before my skin literally looked albino but now I have a slight tan line and depending on the light it looks like I have color. Most of the color is only on my stomach though. Should I increase my dosage or what is going on? Everyone is always talking about how great there results are. Also a need a new good supplier with the pure-peptides and was wondering if anyone had suggestions from there own experience that they were happy with. I still have hope that I can get a tan with Melanotan 2, I have to it would be such a life saver.
    Hey there WhiteGirl - great topic, happy to hear positive results - fantastic guidance from jim c...

    I like to also stress administering low dosages of melanotan 2, dosing at high frequency & before exposure for tanning. Given the time frame, history and results outlined above...you're on par - it's extremely difficult & quite the commitment to tan skin type 0-1 w/o significantly damaging cells - sounds like your product has been reliable/quality - hopeful your future therapy will only get easier here on out* 8)
  8. #8 23rd March 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Skin type 1 almost 0

    Thanks for the reply guys. And yes Jim c I meant .010 everyday. Is this dose too high? Also I have started with a new melanotan 2 provider... are there any suggested ones that work really well and are pure? I ordered from Melanotan-2.com and TanResearch. I have noticed these past two days when I injected into my stomach that once I pushed the syringe it had a burning feel once it left the syringe? I was wondering what it could be from? And as far as not achieving the color I want should I just give up? Or continue with hopes of gaining better color thats actually noticeable..
  9. #9 23rd March 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Skin type 1 almost 0

    no .010 is not too high , we use .025 when we want to get a darker tan* some* do get way up there on dosing but we perfer to stay at a lo dose as it does the job for us , if you like i will try to post a photo of me(wife says no photos of her on the web, to fat too old) . do you still have sides at .010? if so how bad are they we notice sides at .025 but after a week or so they disppear, did experment with high dose* but to no advale* but the sides came back. hope this helps you. as for the stinging fealing* we sometimes have that , IHMO it is the back. water that causes it as it has type of alcohol in it .

    jim c
  10. #10 24th March 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Skin type 1 almost 0

    Yeah my sides don't really occur anymore, endless I don't inject for a couple days. And okay that makes sense as far as the burning. Id love to see pictures... Do you have before and after photos? photos of others always gives me hope especially when they are as white as me.
  11. #11 25th March 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Skin type 1 almost 0

    I have noticed these past two days when I injected into my stomach that once I pushed the syringe it had a burning feel once it left the syringe? I was wondering what it could be from? And as far as not achieving the color I want should I just give up? Or continue with hopes of gaining better color that's actually noticeable..

    What's being used to mix the mt-2? I find bacteriostatic water (& sodium chloride .9%) to generally make painless injections - sterile water stings upon administration...

    Keep hope alive, it is entirely possible to see results w/ your genetics - hopeful the next few vials & spring-time treat you well WhiteGirl
  12. #12 1st April 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Skin type 1 almost 0

    ok White girl hope you don't laugh too much* posted it so you could see that a even tan is possable the color of the bloted out areas is quite close to my untaned skin tone* i'm not of a pasty white* complection , the hands and face are* darker but they always were , living in the sun belt* any exposed area gets dark, using the MT2 we realy have to watch covering the face.

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  13. #13 24th April 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Skin type 1 almost 0

    Sorry its been a long while sense i have replied. Been busy moving. Anyway you have a nice color from using melanotan 2 i wish i had that much from it. I seem to only see a bigger difference on my stomach your tan is even unlike mine. I wish melanotan 2 would be way more noticeable working for me. Anyway thank you for the picture(:
  14. #14 26th April 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Skin type 1 almost 0

    thanks WG that is the results of a year of digilant tanning plus the MT2, we have a pool so we spend a lot of time out there in the summer, also as you see from the photo we tan ala natural* the wife user sun screen on some spots i dont as the results* the gentila are realy realy dark.* * * * * * * * * * did you increase the dose to .025 yet ?
  15. #15 15th May 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Skin type 1 almost 0

    Hey whitegirl just wondering how your results using melanotan-2 were? I've been using for 4 days and went tanning not even a darkened freckle or anything yet I'm worried. Are you getting bronzed?
  16. #16 15th May 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Skin type 1 almost 0

    Hey whitegirl just wondering how your results using melanotan-2 were? I've been using for 4 days and went tanning not even a darkened freckle or anything yet I'm worried.
    Hey Girlygirl6, keep the faith please - the skin will require days to generate pigmentation, certainly will not happen overnight (research melanogenesis and maybe visit the clinuvel website down under, very helpful biotechnology tanning information)
  17. #17 15th May 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan 2 Skin type 1 almost 0

    Hey thanks for responding I def have faith in this stuff I used it 3 years ago and within a couple days my freckles started darkening. Laid out on the deck my stomach started going very light brown! When I meant how was your results with melanotan-2 I was talking about the website not melanotan2 In general I whole heartedly believe in this stuff!! Although this time around it just seems different I'm 6 days in started with 2.5 mg the first two days since I did dosage wrong felt sick then 1mg a day for four days. Zero side effects after that! Hit a tanning bed as well! I just find odd that I haven't had any darkening of the freckles! I don't expect a tan instantly but I would at least assume that by now with my dosage. Do you perhaps think because I was on it before it takes longer this time? Thanks