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  1. #1 21st August 2012 
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    New User Confused About Melanotan 2

    Hi my names Ronnie and firstly I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read this post as I understand there is probably a lot of posts that come up like this.

    I've decided to take the plunge into using Melanotan 2...

    My skin type is probably a skin type 2, I actually don't burn in the sun but I don't tan either... Unless I have a really heavy session in the sun then I will burn and go a very very very light brown (Barely noticeable).
    I have a few moles, about 5 of them... small ones, mostly on my arms. I went to the doctor recently about a couple of them as they appeared on my skin, very light brown moles that almost look like freckles but the doctor said they all looked fine. I also had a very itchy one and it was raised slightly (Small mole) but again the doctor said that it was fine and that it was just my skin being itchy around the mole.

    I'm from Scotland which means we rarely see sun so it would be the sunbeds I would be using to gain colour. Obviously we all know sun beds can be a bit dangerous if abused so how much times do you think I should go to the sun beds a week whilst on the MT2?

    Also I am a bit confused about how long I have to take this for before I see effects... I have read that the loading period is to inject 0.1ml for 5 days in a row then bring it down to one a week but a friend had also told me that you should take 0.1ml for 10 days in a row then manage it after that. Could someone please clarify on here what the loading period should be? I know a lot of people on this forum are experienced users which I why I seek for your advice.

    I told my friend that because of possible side effects I was contemplating taking half of 0.1ml to start with (0.05ml) but he insisted it would not work unless I was injecting 0.1ml for each injection. Is this true??

    My last question is do I have to keep my melanotan in the fridge?? This is something I have also heard from a different friend who is a current user.

    If I could get a response from anyone it would be greatly appreciated and a really big help.

    Thanks and nice to meet you all ]
  2. #2 23rd August 2012 
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    Re: New Melanotan User from Scotland

    Welcome Ronnie, best of luck with your melanotan 2 research - fire away with any questions please
    Great to hear of your due diligence w/ seeing the council of a doctor & that your condition is not of concern
    interesting challenge you have with lacking natural sunlight - utilizing sunbeds will indeed be a great help
    expect to have your moles (at random) darken and faded pigmentation rise to surface after days of mt-2 usage - in the end, the photo-therapy will yield worthwhile results for sensitive skin types in particular
    sunbeds should be used frequently, for small amounts of time - yes, 5 min in a stand up with privates & head (and tattoos, scars...eyes of course protected) layered with towels results in magic after a month or so (work towards a balanced tan understanding that the upper trunk is likely to pigment at a more rapid rate)
    daily be sure to wear spf on the lips, keep sun away from eyes/under-eye & wear SPF sunscreen on face/arms/neck/moles
    loading is recommended to acclimate the user to the peptide, then slowly introduce tanning/exposure to the body
    loading is also listening to the body, a good suggestion as skin type 2 researchers may not be overly sensitize/prone to side effects of melanotan ii
    .1ml is a large dosage in general, may I suggest reducing the dosage in half and increasing the frequency of injections from 7 day/week to 10-12 injects/week - helps to minimize the effects from dosing 1000mcg mt-2 doses (as example of strong/aggressive/wasteful/haphazard protocol) - you're right for sure!
    Melanotan peptides are best preserved (when reconstituted with bacteriostatic water) in the fridge, yes sir* 8)
  3. #3 23rd August 2012 
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    Re: New User (Sorry I know you must see these all the time but I'm quite confused)

    Thanks for the quick reply... its greatly appreciated!*

    So it is natural for your moles to darken whilst taking melanotan2?

    Also what do you mean by covering up your head in the sunbeds? Just the top of your head?? Or do you mean the whole face? Sorry if this seems like a stupid question its just that if I covered my whole face then it wouldn't tan right?

    When you say wear spf on the lips and face etc do you mean in the sunbeds? or do you mean just when it does decide to be sunny in scotland I should wear it?

    As for the loading period do you mean take 0.05ml 10-12 times for a week then introduce the sunbeds after the loading period is finished? Also this would mean me taking more than 1 injection per day correct? so maybe take one in the morning then one at night before bed? Does that sound okay?

    I forgot to ask about maintenance... After the loading period is over how often should I inject for maintenance of the tan?

    I'm guessing 1000mcg is 0.1ml so you are asking me to take 500mcg which is 0.05ml right?

    Sorry these must be really stupid questions haha but I'm quite clueless about this whole thing but your last response has made me understand it a bit clearer and the help is really appreciated ]
    If you could answer my questions above when you have a spare minute that would also be appreciated!

    Thanks a lot*
  4. #4 25th August 2012 
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    Re: New User to Melanotan - Thank you Ronnie, great questions

    It is natural for your moles to darken - skin varies so greatly it's hard to predict (my moles historically rarely darkened...)

    Overcautious maybe, I cover my entire face for as much time as possible when in a sunbed

    Sun or dull sky, wear the spf (lips, face, neck, arms...) when outdoors - yes sir

    I fancy your loading period strategy, yes - dosing more than 1 injection per day helps (particularly at the start)

    I like the maintenance dosage to be 100-500mcg, super-tanning/aphrodisiac dosing being 1000mcg
  5. #5 12th September 2012 
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    Re: New User (Sorry I know you must see these all the time but I'm quite confused)

    Just thought I would give an update about how this has been so far...

    I never got any of the sickness side effects! I started at 0.05ml and ended my loading phase at 0.1ml.

    I have been on around 4-5 sunbeds... 6 minutes at a time and theres a huge difference. Everyone has commented on my tan compared to my normal pasty white, pretty much transparent skin! lol

    My moles barely darkened... I think 3 of them have but not went completely black just darkened a small amount.

    One question I have is... I know you said it is natural for moles to darken but is it natural for new moles to appear??

    I have had about 6 moles appear on my face, several on my legs and forearms... also I've had a few freckles appear on my lip, not around it, actually on my lip.

    ^^ That is the only things that are worrying me a bit so if I could get a bit of clarification on this it would be appreciated!


  6. #6 28th September 2012 
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    Re: New User (Sorry I know you must see these all the time but I'm quite confused)

    Sorry just looking for an update on my last post? It would be appreciated Also I am curious as to how long you can store Mt2 for? I ask because I am considering buying some more and saving it until I go on vacation in July 2013. Do you think this would be possible or would it go bad storing it that long?


  7. #7 28th September 2012 
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    Re: New Melanotan User Questions - Good luck Ronnie!

    If a half-dozen moles darkened on my face (as well as lips) I would certainly consider myself a less-than ideal candidate for super-potent mt-2 usage (possibly would consider Mt-1 given the damage has already been done/triggered) - I wouldn't worry about long term storage (peptide lasts for years in freeze-dried form and months reconstituted in bacteriostatic water/etc)
  8. #8 29th September 2012 
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    Re: New User (Sorry I know you must see these all the time but I'm quite confused)

    Thanks for the reply. It really is appreciated. The freckles on my lips have disappeared now that I have stopped using it. Still have my tan. I just counted and it was 4 moles that have appeared on my face (I just estimated on the last post) several on my arms have appeared and on my legs. All of these are small moles. Should I consider getting these moles checked out? Also instead of using mt1, if I used a smaller dose of mt2 would that be equivilant as using mt1? What is the difference between using mt1 and mt2 if you don't mind me asking?

    Seriously a lot of thanks and appreciation for answering all my questions.


  9. #9 29th September 2012 
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    Re: New User (Sorry I know you must see these all the time but I'm quite confused)

    The reason I ask about getting the moles checked out is because you used the words damaged/triggered and this now as me worried a bit! What damage do you think has been triggered?


  10. #10 30th September 2012 
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    Re: New User (Sorry I know you must see these all the time but I'm quite confused)

    The reason I ask about getting the moles checked out is because you used the words damaged/triggered and this now as me worried a bit! What damage do you think has been triggered?


    Hey, no cause for alarm - however anyone tanning, w/ fair skin (in particular, prone skin types) & utilizing synthetic melanocortin agonists...should likely have an annual dermatologist visit/scan. Have to imagine/assume your pigmentation is simply darker (not deformed, growing and/or abnormal in any way). When I used the above keywords my connection was more with your awareness/radar (nothing chemically dangerous!)* 8)

    "It really is appreciated. The freckles on my lips have disappeared now that I have stopped using it. Still have my tan. I just counted and it was 4 moles that have appeared on my face (I just estimated on the last post) several on my arms have appeared and on my legs. All of these are small moles. Should I consider getting these moles checked out? Also instead of using mt1, if I used a smaller dose of mt2 would that be equivilant as using mt1? What is the difference between using mt1 and mt2 if you don't mind me asking? "

    Glad to hear the pigmentation/drastic change subsided some! Smaller doses of MT-2 is alternative to MT-1, indeed - Melanotan 1 is the peptide more aligned with our natural water soluble peptide hormone, it is weak and brief as compared to melanotan 2 (mt-2 is a cyclic, small molecule that is extremely effective...effecting peripherals and causing side effects throughout most agonist melanocortin receptors)