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  1. #1 19th July 2012 
    auburn_girl_10's Avatar
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    New user = a little confused

    ??? i have insulin needles.. the 30/100 cc unit kind.. i was told by my saler to take 5 units for nine days then take 10 units until i have reached my desired goal.. so i have been doing this and i see results somewhat already but im also laying in the tanning bed daily.. i am skin type 1/ 2 ish. more closer to one. anyhow i have seen everyopne else talk about loading their needles at 100 ml and all that idk what dose im taking.. or if its the mt2 working already or just the bed.. i have noticed my moles and freckles are darker, but have i taken enough for it to start tanning me ive only taken one bottle so far..

    ANY responces and info would be VERY VERY VERYYYY appriciated!! Thanks!!
    * * * * * * * -Kaitlyn.
  2. #2 21st July 2012 
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    Re: New user = a little confused

    ??? i have insulin needles.. the 30/100 cc unit kind.. i was told by my saler to take 5 units for nine days then take 10 units until i have reached my desired goal.. so i have been doing this and i see results somewhat already but im also laying in the tanning bed daily.. i am skin type 1/ 2 ish. more closer to one. anyhow i have seen everyopne else talk about loading their needles at 100 ml and all that idk what dose im taking.. or if its the mt2 working already or just the bed.. i have noticed my moles and freckles are darker, but have i taken enough for it to start tanning me ive only taken one bottle so far..

    ANY responces and info would be VERY VERY VERYYYY appriciated!! Thanks!!
    * * * * * * * -Kaitlyn.

    Hopeful peptidecalculator.com will have a helpful resource - specify your .3cc insulin pin and however much was used to mix your 10mg MT-2. Understanding the dosage calculation is very important. If freckles/moles are darker, the synthetic melanocyte stimulation hormone appears to be working - tanning daily might be too much, i'd recommend slowing down a bit (unless the goal is tan within a expedited time-frame). Experience sounds on par if one vial has already been consumed with a skin type that cannot tan naturally - best of luck kaitlyn!
  3. #3 23rd July 2012 
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    Re: New user = a little confused

    Okay! thanks!! Ill go check the site out asap! but i didnt understand what you meant by ; expirience sounds par? that confused me some.. im sorry. If i didnt mention, im a blonde. true blonde.
  4. #4 24th July 2012 
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    Re: New user = a little confused

    Okay! thanks!! Ill go check the site out asap! but i didnt understand what you meant by ; expirience sounds par? that confused me some.. im sorry. If i didnt mention, im a blonde. true blonde.
    Your progression sounds right, I read nothing alarming besides injecting an unknown mg into the body...lol

    were you expecting something different to occur?
  5. #5 24th July 2012 
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    Re: New user = a little confused

    Please share & elaborate on the confusion auburn girl. The audience/observers here are interested to learn the goals/objectives surrounding haphazardly dosing an entire vial before having a clear picture/idea of results to forecast. Thanks in advance for the topic!!
    Very alarming an unethical seller would advise...and that you'd engage in listening/following through with their info....* Huge challenge when instructions are not in existence indeed* ]Overall in the most vague sense your strategy is correct - in that you should dose low(er), dose often & integrate responsible controlled photo-therapy to safely alter the pigmentation ratio of low skin type genetics

    pardon my comments being spread out and nonsensical (been under the weather lately)

    Art of understanding and utilizing super-potent synthetic melanotropin (melanotan 2) is that the research peptide lasts for minutes in the body & synthesizing dark melanin from the UVR+MT-2 requires days and a cascade of results/events to take effect (tan skin with eumelanin concentrations high, as opposed to sunburn, skin cancer development and pheomelanin spreading yellow/orange ugliness)
  6. #6 25th July 2012 
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    Re: New user = a little confused

    okay so i think im starting to understand ; here is where i will begin ..
    me being skin type 1/2 ish, mostly 1, of course you and all viewers know i have longed to be tan, although naturally tan people like tanning in beds when they need not too, i cannot therefore i wouldnt like a really dark color, just a natural glow. i read the site you suggested and it helped a little, it help me understand my needle holds 30 ccs of volume, which means i am inserting 10ccs a night until my natural/desired color is reached..* there after continuing only 10ccs once a week after to maintain color.

    now my question is...

    * is that a okay/healthy amount being that i am skin type 1..
    idk if that makes any sence.. because i have been studying this (m2) for a about 2 months now, and ive learned every body is different, i would like to tan fast as possible before summer is over, BUT i dont want to be injecting a dangerous amount..
    -my skin type 1
    -my height 5'3
    -my weight 136
    this is my body structure. like i said before idk if this helps or even matters,
    the reason i JUMPED on this (m2) so quikly is because skin cancer runs in my family, and if this is even a possibility of helping prevent me getting it i need it. Tanning was just the PLUS! so it isnt all about the cosmetics for me, even though for most 20 year old skin type 1 people that is probably there main concern.
    For me Health is a big concern, but this is picked up by cometics ; it just grew the business.*
  7. #7 25th July 2012 
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    Re: New user confused with measurment

    1ml = 1cc = 100 units
    your tiny insulin syringe which is 30 units only holds at maximum .3cc of volume

    I hear you with your background and concerns - I would first attempt to gain clarity on measurement(s) and dosage

    best advice would be to pre-load the entire vial contents next round & know what your approx dose is at each inject - aim for 100-200mcg dosages & store in a zip-lock in the fridge (one 10mg vial should yield a baggie of 50-60 syringes)
  8. #8 4th August 2012 
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    Re: New user = a little confused

    okay so i have lunged upon a new concern.. since we last spoke, i havent bought a knew bottle, i have been off of the melonatan 2 for about 3-4 weeks.. im worried i will have to start my loading phase all over again.. how long can i go without having to buy another bottle, before i have to start over again..

    also.. about the previous statements. i did preload my seringes, and my supplier told me in the loading phase i should have on average 1 bottle should hold my dosage for about 21 needles, mine only held 13.. does this mean i did it wrong, he mixed it wrong, or what? i dont want to keep buying from this supplier if he is not mixing it right, but he sales it pre mixed.. what is your advise? im just a little confused im sorry.
    * * * * * * Regards,
    * * * * * * * * * * * Auburn_girl.
  9. #9 4th August 2012 
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    Re: New user = a little confused

    aslo, i forgot to ask, if i am loading at the 5 on the insulin needles, this means i am loading at .05ml? and what is a mcg?
    sorry i am so scattered today. Questions come to me the more i read. Thanks in advance for any help!
  10. #10 4th August 2012 
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    Re: New user = a little confused

    :-[ okay once more.. im sorry ; i think i have better understanding now.. i was incorrect in my previous posts..
    my loading at the 5 mark is 0.5 cc which would be .25 mg. i think that is correct.*
    so my loading phase would have been ...

    * * * * * * * * * DAY 1 - .25 mg
    * * * * * * * * * DAY 2 - .25 mg
    * * * * * * * * * DAY 3 - .25 mg
    * * * * * * * * * DAY 4 - .25 mg
    * * * * * * * * * DAY 5 - .25 mg
    * * * * * * * * * DAY 6 - .25 mg
    * * * * * * * * * DAY 7 - .25 mg
    * * * * * * * * * DAY 8 -* 0.5 mg
    * * * * * * * * * DAY 9 -* 0.5 mg
    * * * * * * * * * DAY 10 - 0.5 mg

    is that an okay amount to be injected at skin type 1? i have already taken the first vial ;
    so if not it is indeed to late and nothing has happened so far.. and that being 3-4 weeks ago i assume it is an okay amount. but i would still like to know for future refrences and just for future knowledge.
    and know that it has been so long since i have loaded any into my body should i start over on this same amount or should i change anything? or just presume with the .5 mg daily until a good color is reached and continue with only .5 mg once weekly?
    * * * * *
    P.S. -VERYYY sorry my posts are scattered.!! ]
  11. #11 5th August 2012 
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    Re: New user = a little confused

    okay so i have lunged upon a new concern.. since we last spoke, i havent bought a knew bottle, i have been off of the melonatan 2 for about 3-4 weeks.. im worried i will have to start my loading phase all over again.. how long can i go without having to buy another bottle, before i have to start over again..

    also.. about the previous statements. i did preload my seringes, and my supplier told me in the loading phase i should have on average 1 bottle should hold my dosage for about 21 needles, mine only held 13.. does this mean i did it wrong, he mixed it wrong, or what? i dont want to keep buying from this supplier if he is not mixing it right, but he sales it pre mixed.. what is your advise? im just a little confused im sorry.
    * * * * * * Regards,
    * * * * * * * * * * * Auburn_girl.
    Thanks for the update - hope to alleviate your concerns best I can* 8)
    Being off of MT-2 for approx a month you will need to start over again slowly to best minimize (potential) side-effects. Generally if a week or two has gone by and no product has been administered, I consider myself to be susceptible (given a type 1 sensitive researcher) - keeping the dose low initially at least) helps to get back in the environment where dosage => tanning (vs. sunburn)
    Your supplier was helpful to say that 10mg Melanotan 2 should yield 20+ pre-loaded syringes for potent ~400mcg+ dosages
    If only 13 injects come from 10mg...that's concerning & I would certainly not trust anyone else to mix product (best to reconstitute melanotan peptides w/ careful oversight/measurement/clarity/understanding...sorry for being so wordy!)
    Absolutely discontinue purchasing from pre-mixed suppliers...no way would that route interest me (I'd encourage the control freaks to use instincts on this subject)
  12. #12 5th August 2012 
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    Re: New user = a little confused

    i think i have better understanding now.. i was incorrect in my previous posts..
    my loading at the 5 mark is 0.5 cc which would be .25 mg. i think that is correct.*

    this is still imperfect & of concern

    the 5 unit mark is a very small increment (on the insulin syringe) - whereas .5cc is a large volume...full 50unit (mid-size) insulin syringe barrel-full

    measurement specifics aside, I like the ~.25mg dosage plan - critique would be to dose .1mg for the first dose (you know best whether you're sensitize, just throwing the idea out there )
    further, for maintenance I think the .25mg every 4-5 days is better than .5mg once per week (fyi!)
    look forward to your success story A_G, good luck!!!
  13. #13 5th August 2012 
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    Re: New user = a little confused

    I agree that you should never buy premixed!! If you mixed it yourself you would probably have a better understanding of your dosage amounts too, i mix a 10mg vial with 2ml of water so 0.5mg is 10 units on a 1ml insulin syringe giving you 20 injections per vial
    Hope that has helped a bit for when you get some more*
  14. #14 6th August 2012 
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    Re: New user = a little confused

    okay thanks guys!! yall have helped ALOT!! i will be purchasing more asap! (in the next week or 2) but now how do i go about buying it not pre mixed.. i dont know anyone that sales it, i seen online you could but im not too sure about buying from online, (yall know how that can go; you get jipped) and i REALLY dont want to waste money buying something that isnt going to work, but in the same reason i dont want to get some that is too strong.
    if you guys know any sites i can purchase MT 2 withought it costing me a months paycheck and it being a good product i can trust PLEASE let me know!!

    i can tell i havent used any in weeks im fading whiter!! - And it SUCKS!! lol
    but seriously thanks guys!! yall have helped alot!!!