Ive never used melanotan before and I have yet to buy it yet either.
Ive done research on the initiation and loading phase but I wanted others opinions.
I plan to load 0.25-0.5mg daily for a week leading up to the holiday and then go on holiday and get a great tan without taking melanotan the whole time that I am away.
Then when I get back I will take the melanotan immediately and then proceed to maintain that tan by taking it every 5-7 days and a sunbed for 5 minutes on the same day.
Does this sound like a good, well thought out plan? Can you tell me where I could improve, or if I am doing it totally wrong?
With natural tanning ability, micro-dosing potent melanotan 2 peptide prior to & upon returning from vacation should yield results... However expectations would be low.* I would estimate minor short term added photo-protection in the beginning of the trip...sunburn potential will be present w/o the peptide - the secret sauce / solution truly is to combine strategically w/ photo-therapy