I just injected my very first dose of MTII, but I'm not sure I did it right. I am totally confused about the proper constitution and dosage; different sites say different things. Anyway, I have a 29 gauge, 1/2" (insulin) needle (100 units=1ml), as recommended on several sites. I wanted to start out with a 0.25mg injection. So I put 400 units/4ml/4 syringes full of bac water into my 10mg vial of MTII. I then filled the syringe w/ the mixed MTII to the 2.5 unit mark. Does that equal 0.25mg? I am horrible at math, and all these different measurements have me confused. Any help is much appreciated!
I just injected my very first dose of MTII, but I'm not sure I did it right. I am totally confused about the proper constitution and dosage; different sites say different things. Anyway, I have a 29 gauge, 1/2" (insulin) needle (100 units=1ml), as recommended on several sites. I wanted to start out with a 0.25mg injection. So I put 400 units/4ml/4 syringes full of bac water into my 10mg vial of MTII. I then filled the syringe w/ the mixed MTII to the 2.5 unit mark. Does that equal 0.25mg? I am horrible at math, and all these different measurements have me confused. Any help is much appreciated!
Thanks for the question Mimi, best of luck - With 4ml used to reconstitute your 10mg MT-II, 10 units should be 250mcg Melanotan II dosage
Great to initiate Melanotan with significantly lower dosage as to avoid side effects commonly noticed (by over-dose) - you'd be par for the course to start w/ just a couple of units (25-150mcg Melanotan II) to begin