Hi, I'm new and just ordered a 30mg melanotan 2 starter kit from newagetan.com.* This includes 3 individual 10mg vials of 99% Pure Melanotan 2,10ml Sterile mixing water, 10 U-100 Needles, 10 Alcohol Prep Pads.* I just had a question about the sterile mixing water because I saw on another post that it is best to use bacteriostatic water.* I would like to know where I can purchase this online??* I also would like to know if newagetan.com is a legit site for me to have purchased this product??* If anyone has an answer to either of these questions, I would be so grateful if you could share with me.*
You are in good hands with them.* No worries (imo) with the solvent supplied.* My preference would simply be bact water as I find it to be the most user friendly.* Sounds like you'll need more syringes and can likely order both online.