I started doing .3mg injections of Melanotan II every day staring in April and then decided to switch to Melanotan I after about three weeks b/c I didn't like the freckling side effects. I injected .5mg/day of Melanotan I and felt I got a respectable result by the end of June after tanning throughout June. I've been continuing to do .5mg per day every day of I b/c I know that I is not as potent as II. I believe I've done around 52 total of I over a two-to-three month period.*
My doctor said I had some elevated liver and kidney numbers. I'm trying to figure out if it is from this or from something else. Does anyone have medical information about extended use of Melanotan I (or even Melanotan II)?
I have never experienced or read anything long term on MT-I (or MT-II).* Good luck on your blood-work, keep us posted - very helpful experience with Melanotan peptides you share Randy, ty* 8)
For those who prefer Mel. I over Mel. II, what would be a typical yearly cycle of Mel. I injections (amount and frequency) for loading, maintenance, and nonuse?* I've been having trouble finding that info b/c of the prevalence of people's preference for Mel. II over Mel. I.*
Very good questions Randy. If Melanotan-1 was the only option, I may go through a dozen vials annually. Due to my goals, budget, skin type, etc, I benefit from/aim to use 40mg MT-2 and 20mg MT-1 annually (for example - fair skin type - sensitive to sunlight).*