Have not used melonotan 2 in maybe three years. Going to try again, its a great product if used properly that is. Anyway, I have a 10ml mel 2, I would like to inj 125mcg, what would be the best amount of bac water to add? Next question, once reconstituted how long will the peptide be full potency? Should I keep the reconstituted and powder vials in fridge.
thank you
Have not used melonotan 2 in maybe three years. Going to try again, its a great product if used properly that is. Anyway, I have a 10ml mel 2, I would like to inj 125mcg, what would be the best amount of bac water to add? Next question, once reconstituted how long will the peptide be full potency? Should I keep the reconstituted and powder vials in fridge.
thank you
Hey Mishag, thanks for checking in - with 3ml used to reconstitute 10mg MT-2, 2 ticks (~4iu) should equate to 125mcg - melanotan peptides are durable and should easily last 6+ months (at full potency) - yes, storing in the fridge is best practice (although not entirely necessary)
hey melanotan, thank you for the reply. Only thing is my syringes are 1/2cc so to get 125mcg with 3ml of bac water will be 4ticks (4iu) each tick is 33mg so roughly 132mcg of peptide correct?
thank you, mishag23.
Also one more thing I have sterile water for injection USP, not bacteriostatic water, is it the same thing and can I use that instead to mix the solution?
Also one more thing I have sterile water for injection USP, not bacteriostatic water, is it the same thing and can I use that instead to mix the solution?
Sterile water is an unfortunate option for melanotan peptides (imho). Only method of utilizing an entire 10mg vial would be to pre-load and freeze syringes... Otherwise the sterile water will not only hurt (upon administration), the product will not preserve (prevent bacteria growth).
Hey Chris, I couldn't find any bacteriostatic water I know you said not to use sterile water. Anyway, I got sodium chloride 0.9%. Its 10ml bottle, per ml has 9mg of sodium chloride. I added 3ml of that to 10mg mel2 to use 125mcg which is two ticks(4iu) on a 100 unit slin pin. Will the sodium degrade the mel2? Also, should I store the sodium chloride water also in the fridge or room temp is okay for that. Thank You, mishag23
Sterile water and salt water (sodium chloride) are about equal, use w/ melanotan peptides only in worst-case scenario (certainly do not improperly store product). Compared to the 1 year+ shelf life when reconstituted with bacteriostatic water (/or bacteriostatic sodium chloride)...diluent w/o benzyl alcohol is intended for (near) immediate use (ie.: TB-500) - Sorry, I cannot answer the question further as I do not have clarity on what's .9% (9mg sodium chloride doesn't make sense) - good luck mishag!
All right, so I always put the reconstituted vial in the fridge. What I want to know is how long will the product stay effective? What I was referring with the 9mg was that per ml contains 9mg of sodium chloride, so I added 3ml to the 10mg mel 2 and I use 125mcg. What I want to know is that too much sodium chloride to add and will that degrade my mixed vial?
Mixed peptide product will be effective for months, no big stress w/ regards to degrading - concern would be preserving the sterility (freezing pre-loaded dosages may be helpful to prevent potential bacteria)
That's good to know. How about the vial with the sodium chloride in it, the expiry date is in December, can I still use it to mix my other vials that are still in powder form? Also should I keep it at room temp or in the fridge. Can you also give me an idea with how I should handle the bacteriostatic water.
Just an update I have been using sodium chloride with mel2 mix, have no problems with any bacteria so far and its been 3 weeks, I just make sure to always swab the mixed vial and keep it in the fridge.
Good deal, continue as you are...if there becomes any redness/irritation @ administration site...pitch remainder of vial (unlikely to occur, being over-cautious...). Next vials, see if you cannot locate a 10ml (or 30ml) bacteriostatic sodium chloride (alternatively 30ml bacteriostatic water) - those reconstitution options are ideal imo - fridge will preserve your vials best
Oldie but goodie, PT141 mixing video (w/ bac nacl)]
Hey Chris, with the bacteriostatic water once open, should I also store it in the fridge? How long till it goes bad and I have to get another vial to reconstitute my other melonotan 2 vials.