One week earlier, Sept 3, I reconstituted 5mg MT-II so that I would have a plentiful ready supply for the fall and maybe winter.*
First I remove the 5MG MT-2 from the fridge, chilled vial of bac water as well.
Figured a handful of prepared low doses to place in the fridge/freezer would be nice.* I have them just in the fridge at the moment, not really planning on storing them so long they need freezing.* Goal was to have twenty 200-250mcg doses.*
Sept 3 while pre-loading syringes I dosed ~100mcg (felt no sides)
Preparation]5mg MT-2 = 5,000mcg
desired dose]
1ml (same as 100 unit) insulin syringes on hand
2ml bact water to mix/reconstitute the 5mg MT-2 peptide (small vial holds 2.5ml maximum)
each 10 units should yield approx 250mcg MT-2
Sept 10, today, I dosed a 200mcg (approx) MT-2 dosage...felt nausea for a brief moment.* No flushing
Goal is to experiment with dose timing. I am interested in dosing while fasting this time around.*
Also want to have more experience with low doses as it relates to photo-protection, sunless tanning, darkening facial hair...primarily the body composition aspects though. Not interested in changes in my energy or libido
decided to dose another while hungry - experimenting with the anorectic response.* Been over consuming calories later in the evenings - working on this habit
It is wednesday evening and I have received word that I am going to be on the lake sunday afternoon.* This is a problem as I have received so little UV exposure - and not enough MSH.* Going to have to dramatically increase the dose.* Been casually dosing until now.*
Twice a day dosing is what the plan is, minimum.* 250mcg asap.
250mcg will still be the prepared dose.* Shouldnt be any reason I cannot prepare myself before sunday
If anyone has any advice, please let me know!* * 8)
Another 250mcg before bed.* Need to try and get as many mg in my system as possible.*
Currently I dont see any extreme contrast in regards to prior sun damage (freckles/moles).* Feel very much in balance, happy with my tone now.* The focus is on protection for the lake.*
250mcg in the afternoon.* Have not noticed MT-2 related lethargy.* I speculate the low dosing is attributed to this.* If I were to take a 1mg dose...I would have an entirely different experience.
250mcg upon waking.* Sunscreen will definitely be packed today.* The aphrodisiac has been in effect...looking forward to a break (lowering/refraining from dosing) asap
Great day on the lake yesterday.* No sunburn with minimal effective sunscreen use.* Extremely happy with my skin.
Feel as though things are in balance.* My tone is where I want it.* Sun damage all looks dormant (no dark spots/freckles/moles).* Photoprotection was certainly in the supra-physiological range for this skin type 1.* No way could my skin naturally handle 4 hours of intense UV on the water (without sunscreen).*
Considered dosing once again after the exposure...however I was beat and over the aphrodisiac effects.* Believe a dose at or higher than 500mcg will yield the sexual properties.* Beyond recreation, really dont want the libido booster out of my control.* Not the lifestyle I want at this very minute - need to be able to chill and focus...not being distracted when the wind blows