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  1. #1 9th November 2009 
    JudyJ's Avatar
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    PT141 while on Vacation a Woman's experience

    Ok, so here is my 1st post, I am a 38 yr old woman married to a wonderful man for the last 12 years, we have a 2 yr old son and he is the joy of our lives. We are not retired yet but having a child so late in life has really put the strain on our lives.

    My husband saw the article in men's journal while flying on a business trip and shared it with me. After much research we found this site and it has been very helpful. We decided to do the "insulin like" injection that was demonstrated on youtube and is posted here if I remember correctly.

    Now I'm not going to be too graphical, however I do want to share my experience so that more people can be encouraged by this product.

    I think I'm in pretty good shape considering I recently gave birth to my 1st child and I work full time, it's not like I have 3 hours a day to work out or anything, but that's beside the point. I am 5'7" 145 lbs in good physical shape.

    My husband is 48 yrs old and in very good shape.* As many of you know, time does take it's toll, sometimes we are both just too tired, too stressed, or too busy for intimacy (sex) love making or whatever you want to call it. For us it is all those things at different times, I mean sometimes a quickie in the morning is just fine.

    Anyway, we took trip to Sanibel island Florida for a long, 4 day weekend, and yes, we took our son with us. We have used the pt141 before with great success so we were more than happy to be taking it along with us on this trip, after all our son takes a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, is in bed by 7]
    Well, it might have been a mistake to bring the boy. I took 1mg of pt141 the 1st night, the normal reaction was expected, a warm fuzzy feeling that just put me in the mood, not that I need to be put in the mood, but it makes for a good excuse. My husband also used pt141 1mg but he also tried 20mg of cialis at the same time. After our 1st go around we went to sleep ever so happy and tired from the day. About 2]
    So we wake in the morning feeling like school kids, took a shower and headed off to breakfast, then spent the day at the beach with our little family.

    So, it's now 6]1 hour later I was so aroused[/b] I couldn't stand it, we put our son down early as we could, and cuddled under the sheets trying so hard not to make any noise or we would keep him awake longer.

    Now as I stated usually it takes 4 hours to take effect but taking the 2nd dose just 24 hours after the 1st really made a difference, I was really worked up, thank goodness our son went to sleep quickly.

    The rest of the weekend was just crazy I could not be put off, thank goodness my husband was able to keep up with me, I thought that the sex drive that I had felt in my early and mid 30's was behind me but with PT141 we have yet another chapter in our relationship to explore.

    Hope that helps any of you that may have questions or who are hesitant to try this product..

  2. #2 9th November 2009 
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    Re: PT141 while on Vacation a Woman's experience

    My jaw dropped lower and lower through this read...anyone else? *WOW Judy, phenomenal post

  3. #3 4th December 2009 
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    Re: PT141 while on Vacation a Woman's experience

    That's a great experience it seems, my wife gets a very similar response to the product, but we have not used it 2 days in a row. I'm glad it's the weekend we'll have to give that experiment a try.
  4. #4 16th April 2010 
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    Re: PT141 while on Vacation a Woman's experience

    How did you travel w/ the PT-141?

    Did you keep it refrigerated?* I keep my powder in the freezer, but would like to take it with me on my next trip.* How?

    I think I will take it out of the freezer to the fridge for 24 hrs, then into my luggage for the flight, still powder.* I will bring my leftover BS water and syringes, then reconstitute it when I want it.* I guess I can keep it on ice for the trip.

    I am worried that the 6 hours in my luggage could degrade it, but it came to me unrefrigerated from TanResearch.

    I care less about the loss of product then the loss of use on my trip, which is like a 2nd honeymoon for me.* anyone have ideas?
  5. #5 16th April 2010 
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    Re: PT141 while on Vacation a Woman's experience

    It's not that fragile so as long as it's not reconstituted it should be fine, with no ill effect on it's potency..

    If you are concerned, you can use a gel cold pack... that will last the 6-12 hours, and since you are checking your baggage, it's not an issue..

    good luck..
  6. #6 19th April 2010 
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    Re: PT141 while on Vacation a Woman's experience

    How did you travel w/ the PT-141?
    I think I will take it out of the freezer to the fridge for 24 hrs, then into my luggage for the flight, still powder.* I will bring my leftover BS water and syringes, then reconstitute it when I want it.* I guess I can keep it on ice for the trip.


    Plan is perfect, done the same with success.* That is what's great about the 2mg PT on the market now.* Toss in checked baggage with the water and syringes, reconstitute, use...not even that big of deal to keep cold.* On vacation it is a non issue.* The peptide itself could sit on teh shelf at room temp for a year and I still wouldnt hesitate from using it (of course as long as it appears and mixes according to my expectation)

    good luck, report back any success stories!* 8)